Epilogue Two: Life Is Life! (1 Year 6 Months and 1 Week After Running Away)

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Hi RATs! You people reading this? You guys who've stuck with me this whole time? You guys are the real RATs! You guys are awesome! I know that this blog may be kind of pointless, now that my life is back to being boringly normal...but I couldn't last a week without blogging! I couldn't even last a day! Once a blogger, always a blogger, I guess. Anyway, today I'm going to give some major shoutouts to... KASSIE! (a.k.a @Kassie_Kangaroo) My bestest best friend, who's always there for me...CADENCE! (a.k.a @I'm_Toffee) My bestest Sea Witch friend! I miss you sooo much! PRUE! (a.k.a @prue_is_true) Who is literally like my little sister. I miss you Prue! ALISE! (a.k.a @alise-chels-bffs) Who, without Alise, I wouldn't have met and befriended any of the others! Who I made so many childhood memories with. Miss you!

Today I decided that I'm going to host a party. E-mail me if you RATs are interested!

Only proper RATs are invited!

-Ever xxx (a.k.a @run_away_teen)

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Thanks so much for the shout out, hun! I'm allowed to come to the party, right? RIGHT? Just tell me the dets @ school today! #RATs4Ever xxx -Kassie (a.k.a @Kassie_Kangaroo)

Hey Harper! Missing you too! Looking forward to the party ;). Hey, I've taken up the hobby of baking... I could provide some food? Missing you like mad! #RATs4Ever -Cadence (a.k.a @I'm_Toffe) and -Prue (a.k.a @prue_is_true)

Hey! Just found your blog again! Can I come to the party? #RATs4Ever -Kaia (a.k.a @twisted_lies)

I log off my laptop (which was returned to me) and put it in it's hiding spot. I brush some toast crumbs off of my uniform, and walk to school briskly, anxious to see Kassie there.

"Kas!" I squeal, smiling.

"Ever!" she mirrors.

We hug, catching up on what we've done this past weekend. We link arms like the year sevens in the intermediate department of the school, and giggle over silly little jokes and what not. We happen to pass Chelsea and Alise in the midst of a heated argument on the way to class. We hear insults, lots of swearing, and piece together, roughly, what they're arguing over. Kas and I both roll our eyes.

"Talk about childish!" I mutter.

"I know!" Kassie replies.

I'm rather glad that Alise did argue with me. I'm glad that she snuck into the house while we were at that gym competition, and messed up Prima's make up. I'm glad that she befriended Chelsea, and ditched me. Because otherwise, I'd never have learnt the difference between good friends, and bad friends. I'd never have run away. And if I didn't run away, I'd never have found myself. I'd never have discovered that I want to be an author, and write stories for people. Alise is to blame, but she's also to thank. Because without her, I'd never have became who I am now.

I'd never have become Everleigh Harper Castalia Gabbard, Run Away Teen.

A/N: So that's it! That's Run Away Teen finished! Thanks for reading, and an extra special thanks to AustynBlake17 for voting and commenting the whole way! Until my next story,

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