Chapter Ten: I Can't Hear You

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When I wake, well, I think you can guess the first thing I do. That’s right! I pull out my laptop! I check the news again and smile… another article on me! But my smile droops when I see the title: Lost Girl Predicted to Have Followed in Dad’s Footsteps. Oh my gosh. How did they find out? I click on the article though I know I’ll regret it, curiosity taking the better of me.

   Ever-Lee, the missing girl of only 14, may still be alive. We’ve been informed by her school that she and her best friend, Alise Turner, had a major fight in the cafeteria the day before she went missing, and that the day before the fight with Alise, she and superstar older sister Primavera, had a screaming match. We have also found that the things that mean the most to her have disappeared as well. We thought this a bit suspicious, so dug a little deeper… and found out that Ever-Lee’s dad, Alex Gabbard, ran away from his family when Ever was just 5 years old.

  “He just was there one day, gone the next. The same with Ever,” sobbed Dana Grey, mother of four, when we ask her about the subject.

  But the information she gave us was sparse and minimal, and just didn’t suffice. So we did our maths and worked out the year Alex Gabbard left, and flicked through the newspaper’s archives, finding the paper with the info of his flee.

  We believe that Ever-Lee was not stolen, nor was she murdered or that she committed suicide, but that she ran away. We’ll be back with more information as soon as possible on the Run Away Teen.

   Lies. Lies, lies, lies. Prima was the one having the screaming match… and mum told dad to go, it was no surprise for her. But besides that, and the misspelling of my name, it’s all one hundred percent fact. I think what I do next is rather predictable… that’s right, I blog!

  Hey! So you may or may have noticed me in today’s newspaper… if you haven’t here’s the link down below. So now you’ve read it, I’m going to cover a few things. First, is that Alise and I weren’t fighting, she was just screaming at me, and I replied calmly. Not a fight. Secondly, Primavera and I did NOT have a screaming match. I repeat, did NOT. She was the one screaming at me. And finally, they’re still spelling my name wrong! Thanks for listening, I’ll post again tonight, as I just needed to tell my… (well, what do I call you guys? Any ideas?) followers, this news. -Everleigh (NOT Ever-Lee) xxx (a.k.a @run_away_teen.)

  Reads: 87          Comments: 23

  The number increases each time! In both reads, and comments! My eyes flicker over every comment.

   Hi Ever! I’ve been reading the papers and following your story since the first article! I searched the web for more info on you, and this blog came up! It’s a great idea! An idea for you to call us… RATs! (Run Away Teens). Stay healthy #RATs4Ever -May-Belle (a.k.a @skies_of_blue)

  Yo! I found ur blog the way evry1 else did, by da sounds of things; researching u on da interweb. Luv ur blog, btw. If u ever r in Casp De Bel,  just email me 4 a place 2 stay! I luv the idea of ur followers being called RATs, btw. #RATs4Ever -Esme (a.k.a @got-dat-beat)

 #RATs4Ever u go gurl! -Nancie (a.k.a @fancy_pantsy-Nancie)

  It makes my heart swell knowing that someone, somewhere, is rooting for me to complete this journey… whatever this journey is. I check the time and frantically dress myself (bikini underneath my denim jeans and t-shirt) and sprint to where I met Cadence yesterday.

  “So glad I got here first! Thought I was late!” I mutter to myself.

  “You are!” a voice from above me scolds lightly, and I squint upwards to see Cadence swinging on the tree branch she’s perched herself on.

Run Away TeenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz