Chapter 12, Gift Buying

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*Sarina PoV*

Remus and I had gotten closer since the night of the Yule Ball. People even thought that we were dating.

And well, I actually wouldn't mind if it was true.

Anyways, Christmas vacation is coming up soon and there is a group going out to Hogsmeade for some Christmas shopping.

I planned on getting a book that will help Remus understand his Lycanthropy more and a cool pocket watch with a wolf face on the front.

I was surprised when I found out that Remus liked old fashioned things but at the same time was understandable.

I was giving Lily some cool lily flower earrings that I made.

I was giving James a book on pranks along with Sirius.

I was giving Severus a book on potions that we weren't learning in school so that he could widen his knowledge on them because making potions is his passion.

Honestly I can see it now an adult Severus walking these hallways known as Professor Snape the Potions Master.

I was getting Regulus a cool silver snake bracelet that when tapped with your wand three times can come alive and do what you want it to do.

I am also getting Professor Dumbledore a gift along with Professor McGonagall, Professor Slughorn, Madam Pomfrey and Hagrid.

I'm getting Dumbledore Lemon Drops (there the password to his office for a reason). McGonagall a pretty peacock quill. Slughorn a pocket watch as well but with his name engraved on it. Pomfrey gets a new kind of herb that can heal burns without feeling any pain (I've heard her talk about it a lot). And of course Hagrid is getting a black dog (he loves dogs).

Once I'm done writing down all these things on a list I get dressed into a red wool sweater with the Gryffindor crest on it (I made it myself) and white jacket, blue jeans white gloves and black combat boots.

I stick my wand in my right boot and run out the door.

I meet my friends in the court yard and we leave for Hogsmeade.

--At Hogsmeade--

Once there we split up to buy our gifts and agree to meet each other at Three Broomsticks.

I went to an antique store to get four things on my list.

I went to the counter and requested the two pocket watches the snake bracelet and peacock quill under the name Sarina Raine Black.

He gave me four boxes with the pocket watches, quill, and snake bracelet in them.

Next I went to the book store.

I got the lycanthropy book and rare potions book and went to another book store to get the books on pranks.

Next I went to Honeydukes and got 2 huge bags of lemon drops.

After that I went to get the herb that heals burns.

Once I was done with that I went to a small pet shop to get the black puppy for Hagrid.

I decided to give Hagrid his gift today since I couldn't wait any longer. I was bursting with too much excitement (if that's even possible).

Once I was done I put all the gifts in my purse and picked up the black puppy and walked to The Three Broomsticks.

When I walked in everyone was already there.

"Who's the puppy for?" Asked Lily as I sit down between Remus and Sirius.

"It's for Hagrid" I said as the puppy laid down on my lap.

"That's the perfect gift for him" said James.

When we were done we left to go to Hagrid's Hut.

I hid the puppy behind my back as best I could as Sirius knocked on the door.

"Well hey there" said Hagrid happily as he saw us.

"Hi Hagrid! So I got something for you but I couldn't wait to give it to you so I decided to give it to you today" I said as I smiled.

"Really! Why thank you!" He said.

I revealed the black puppy to Hagrid and he smiled brightly.

He took the puppy from my arms.

"Why thank you Sarina!" He said as he held the puppy up to get a better look at him.

"What are you gonna name him?" Asked Sirius.

"Hmm.... Oh how about Fluffy?" He said.

"I don't know? That sounds like a name for something fluffier then him" said James.

"How about Fang?" He said as he petted the puppy.

"That's a good name" I said as the others nodded.

"Then Fang it is!" Said Hagrid.

We all left and went to our Common Rooms.

"So what are we going to do for Christmas break? Should we stay here?" Asked James.

"I wouldn't mind that" I said as the others Marauders agreed.

"Alright then. We will all be staying here for Christmas" said James

Sorry if the ending is kind of boring but it goes in with the next chapter. Merry Christmas my awesome readers!!!

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