Chapter 1, Run Aways

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A/N: This chapter is a filler chapter, just letting you know do that something's don't get confusing just in case.


--Age 13--

*Sarina PoV*

"HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME!" Orian yelled at Sirius.

"STOP IT!!" I yelled

Orian looked at me and seemed to get angrier.

"Your the reason Sarina is acting like this, if you behaved she wouldn't be the way she is now" Orian said.

Orian and Walburga, because of me being there only girl, wanted me to excel in everything. They spoiled me and gave me private lessons before I joined Hogwarts so that when I was sorted into Slytherin I would be at the top of all my classes. But I loved my twin Sirius and would spend all my time with him, and being identical twins we developed the same personality (except for his need to have 3 relationships at once, I don't do that) and they became annoyed. It got worse when I was sorted into Gryffindor along with Sirius.

Right now were going through one of our daily arguments.

Regulus looked scared as he watched in the corner behind Walburga as she glares daggers at Sirius. Orian had Regulus watch so that he would learn to become better then us.

"You just love to blame me don't you, it's all my fault that your precious Sarina, MY twin, didn't turn out the way you wanted. Well news flash Orian, were IDENTICAL twins so yea were gonna be alike in every way and there's nothing you can do to change that!!" Sirius said.

There was a loud slap and Sirius fell back with a red mark on his cheek.

"Sarina isn't the only one that I'm disappointed with. It's you as well" Orian said furiously while taking out his wand.

"And now you'll learn a lesson for disobeying me"

He gives Walburga a look and she nods. She takes out her wand and walks towards me. Orian goes over to Sirius and takes his arms and keeps Sirius from trying to get away.

"Stop! Leave Sirius alone!" I yell while trying to run to him.

Walburga points her wand at me and yells "Stay where you are" I stop moving and take a few hesitant steps back.

Regulus is looking at me with scared eyes and he looks like he was going to burst into tears any minute.

"The only way for you to learn Sirius is to show you we won't hesitate to go to drastic measures to get you to behave" Walburga says.

I get a little scared and take two more steps back and my back hits the wall.

"Now watch as we teach you a lesson" Walburga says as she glares at me.

"Stop! What are you doing?! Leave Sarina out of this, she has done nothing!!" Sirius yells looking scared.

"It is the only way to get through to you Sirius... Crucio!!" Walburga yells and I start to feel unbearable pain.

I scream out in pain as I fall to the ground.

"NO STOP IT, PLEASE!!" Sirius yells tears falling down his face as he tries to fight Orian's grip and he's forced to the ground. Regulus has started crying too.

"CRUCIO!" Walburga says again and I start screaming as the pain gets worse.

"PLEASE STOP, STOP IT!!" Sirius yells sobbing as he can do nothing but watch me scream in pain.

After a few more minutes of crucio being shot at me and Sirius shouting for them to stop until his voice became hoarse, Walburga stopped and I slowly got onto my knees. I glare daggers at her as she walks away. Orian releases Sirius and he comes running to me and wraps me in a protective hug. As Orian leaves he drags a sobbing Regulus out with him.

"I'm so sorry Sarina" he says barely above a whisper.

"It's...alright Sirius" I say slowly, trying to get my energy back.

He looks at me with sad red and puffy blue eyes from crying with tear stained cheeks.

" I will never let them do that to you again. I'm so sorry" Sirius says again.

"Don't be...I've had enough of this, it's bad enough with them doing forbidden curses on me they could start doing them to you too Sirius and I'm not gonna standby and wait for it to happen. We need to leave" I say quietly just incase someone is listening in on us.

Sirius dries his eyes and gives me a determined look," alright, when do we leave?"

"Tonight, when everyone is asleep"

-At Night-

"You ready?" Sirius whispers.

"Almost" I say as I push a button on my trunk that makes it the size of my palm. I throw it in my backpack along with some galleons that I've been saving since I was 10 (which is a lot) and the shrunken items that I'll need for Hogwarts in a few months.

"Alright, I'm ready"

After Sirius has put his shrunken items in his backpack he looks at me and nods.

He opens the door slowly and peeks down the hall to see if anyone is there. When he thinks the coast is clear he signals for me to follow him. As we walk down the hall I hear a door quietly creek open.

"Sarina? Sirius? Is that you?" Regulus whispers.

I turn around to face him.

"Yes" I reply.

He runs to us and hugs both of us tightly. I hug him back and see Sirius do the same. 'My brother bonding is finally complete!' I thought happily seeing Sirius hug Regulus without me forcing him to.

"I know you guys are leaving and you don't need to worry, I won't tell anyone" Regulus says softly.

"Thank you, Reggie" I say hugging him a little tighter before releasing him.

"Well we need to hurry if we plan on putting lots of distance between us and this house by dawn" Sirius says.

Sirius and I look at Regulus and say "we'll miss you little brother" in unison.

After one more hug Regulus goes back inside his room and Sirius and I are left alone in the dark hall way.

We make it to the door and open it slowly. Once it's open we look outside at our freedom. We run out of the house, quietly closing the door behind us. Sirius grabs my hand and we run for a while enjoying the freedom high.

Once we reach a forest we slow down.

"So where exactly are we going?" Sirius says.

"Anywhere, because anywhere is better then that forsaken place" I say a little bitterly towards the end.

After some thinking a brilliant idea pops into my head.

"How about the Potter's? I know that they'll accept us with open arms if we go there" I say happily.

"Oh my gosh that's perfect, I haven't seen Prongs since summer started" Sirius says.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I say getting up.

Once we're both up we transform into black dogs and bolt for the Potters house.

'Finally..after all this time we will have a family that treats us like there own' I think as we dash through the forest.

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