Chapter 7, Recovery

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*Sarina's PoV*

I started to wake up but not as fast as I wanted to.

I felt someone holding my hand and guessed it had to be Sirius since he would never leave my side at a time like this.

I opened my eyes a little and saw all my friends. Even Severus, Regulus and Lily were there.

I saw James talking and actually laughing with Severus and I was guessing that I had gone mad.

"I must be seeing things or are James and Severus actually getting along" I joked, catching everyone by surprise.

I sat up and was immediately hugged by Sirius an Regulus who were crying happy tears.

"We thought you weren't going to wake up. They were actually about to send you to St. Mungos" Sirius said.

"Well I'm up now" I said.

I slowly got to my feet with the help of Sirius and I saw Remus staring at the ground looking guilty.

I walked over to him.

"Remus, don't feel guilty for what happened to me. It was my choice to jump in front of you. And anyways I'm alright now, and that's all that matters" I said.

He gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug.

Once he released me I realized that I was wearing one of my white knee length dresses. 'How long have I been out?'

"Hey guys how long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"1 week" said James.

"What?! What about my classes?!" I said freaking out a little.

"Don't worry. Professor McGonagall excused you and Sirius from all your lessons until you woke up" said Lily who also gave me a hug.

"Wait, why Sirius?" I asked.

"Padfoot refused to leave your side until you woke up" James said.

"I wasn't just gonna leave you here. I was worried sick" Sirius said.

"And you managed to stay here for a whole week doing nothing? Wow I'm impressed" I said jokingly.

"Well I did practice some spells while you were out" Sirius pointed out.

"That's good" I said.

"Hey what happened to Malfoy and LeStrange?" I asked.

"They've been suspended for the rest of the year" said Regulus.

"That's awesome" I said smirking.

"And about time too" Sirius agreed.

Just then professor Dumbledore walked through the door.

"Ah Miss. Black, your finally awake. I was worried that I might have to send you to St Mungos" he said.

"Well, no need for that now" I said.

He chuckled.

"And you also have Severus to thank for you still being alive" he said.

I looked at Severus shocked who had a bashful expression on his face.

"It was nothing, I just didn't feel like losing one of my best friends" he said.

"Are you kidding? You saved my life. I don't know how to thank you enough" I said bewildered.

"Severus' actions were fast and precise. It's a good thing he was there" said Madam Pomfrey as she changed the sheets on the bad I was in.

"It really is. I don't know what I would have done if you had died" said Sirius.

"Me too" said everyone else in unison.

"You have some very good friends Sarina"

"I sure do, professor Dumbledore" I said smiling.

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