Chapter 19 You're Not His Possession

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A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't update last week. After such an intense chapter I didn't know what to write.


This chapter is really cute and mainly has to do with Remus and Sarina.

Please enjoy!

Sarina PoV

It's been 5 days after what Dumbledore revealed to Sirius and I.

We haven't told the others what Dumblesore told us because we're still in shock a little.

Sirius and I were sitting under a tree in silence.

"When are we going to tell them?" He said quietly.

"I don't know" I said.

"They'll want to know soon, Sarina" Sirius said.

"I know"


When we were walking down the quiet dark halls back to our room we walked there in a dazed silence.

"Did that really just happen?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

", it did" I said quietly.

'I was born to become someone's possession' I thought to my self for the tenth as self-pity hit me.

*End Flashback*

"If anything you can tell them but when I'm not around. I don't want them to give me pitiful looks like some of the teachers who know about my past do" I said in a depressed tone.

"...alright.." Sirius says softly.

He gets up and turns towards me.

"Well, we should probably get going. They'll probably freak out and think we've both been captured if we don't show up soon" Sirius said.

"Ok" I said and got up.

We get to the Gryffindor dorms bad I rush into the bathroom in my room before Lily could even say a word.

I slide down on the door and sit on the ground.

"Is Sarina alright?" Alice Prewet, the other girl we share our room with, asks in a concerned tone.

"I hope so" I hear Lily say in a soft an confused tone.

'I'm scared to tell them' I think to myself as tears start welling up in my eyes

Time Skip, the next day

Today was Saturday so we didn't have to go to our classes.

I was pretty much going to stay in my room all day so that the others don't start asking questions.

I peeked around the corner of the hallway to see if anyone was in the common room.

I didn't see anyone so I decided to walk into the common room.

"You've finally decided to come out" said a voice from behind me, catching me by surprise.

I let out a slight scream and turn around quickly with my wand out to see who it is.

I let out an irritated but relieved sigh when I see that it's Remus leaning against the wall.

He has his hands up in front of him and has an odd look on his face.

"Remus! You nearly gave me a heart attack" I said slightly annoyed while putting my wand away.

"Sorry. I just wanted to wait to for you to come down to see if your ok, but you apparently seem fine just a little jumpy" he said.

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