Stubbornness And Accidents

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Summary: Dick and Tim arrive in Paris. Dick's annoyed that Bruce isn't leaving the Paris heroes alone while Tim is annoyed he has to go to school while in Paris.

Author's Note: Short chapter I know but hopefully, the next one will be longer.

"So, let me get this straight, you dragged us to Paris in order to investigate the miraculous team even though you were told to leave Paris alone by those heroes and the government" questioned Tim who was drinking his second coffee this morning, the only response he got from Bruce was a grunt as he was detracted by the news report showing the fight from the awards show.

"Did you learn nothing from me and the titians?" exclaimed Dick who had been reading through the file of Paris's heroes,

"not to mention you're making me go to school even though I surpassed to be done with school since I help you run the company" grumbled Tim who hadn't fully woken up.

"I'm not going to ignore this, Paris has been in danger for four years already with only inexperienced heroes to protect them due to an incompetent member of the league" responded Bruce, "and they said heroes were unwelcome not the Wayne family also Tim you're only going to school so you can investigate the so-called Akuma class so don't complain".

Dick responded with a growl of frustration knowing that Bruce wasn't going to change his mind while Tim just slurped his coffee loudly and turned to look at the clock. "Tim, let's get going so we're not late for the meeting at your new school" Dick announced as he turned to leave the hotel room, grabbing the school file on the way out, "enjoy your meeting with the mayor, B".

After Dick made sure that Tim was following him, he left the hotel room but froze when he heard a small yelp of surprise. "Mari, be careful," a deep voice said from behind the door, "I was being, Luka" responded another voice much higher pitch than the last.

Peeking around the door, he saw a tall boy with blue spiky hair and blue eyes wearing black ripped jeans, white top, sneakers that were white and blue, a blue hoodie and a black choker, he was carrying a guitar case on his back and a cardboard box. The higher pitch voice must have belonged to the girl, she had black pixie cut hair, brown eyes and was dressed in pin shorts with black tights, pink sneaker, a black top with a pink jacket on top, the girl was carrying a tray of four coffee which were on top of a bakery box along with carrying a satchel which had fabric coming out of it.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" exclaimed Dick and Tim made it out of the hotel room turning to stare at the pair,

"It's ok, sir, I'm normal clumsy" the girl replied,

"no it's my fault, do you need any help with those boxes," asked Dick,

"don't worry about it sir, it's was just unexpected" the girl responded while the boy just stared at the brothers.

"Are you sure?" asked Tim who shifted uncomfortably under the blue-haired boy's gaze.

"We're fine, don't worry about it" the girl responded,

"We better get going Mari before Jagged starts to search for us" the boy continued still staring at the brothers,

"Good point Luka, sorry about that sirs" the girl now named Mari replied as the pair set off down the hallway. Looking at the pair as they left, Tim could see the girl's jacket had a flower pattern on the back which he sure he had seen before but didn't know where it was from. 

Author's Note: Back again.

I made Marinette's hair Black and eyes brown so she wasn't as recognizable if you saw a photo of her and ladybug next to her like I'm going to be doing with Adrien who had long messy hair as Chat Noir but has a comb-over fade and a brushed upfront while being a civilian.

I choose Dick and Tim as the ones to join Bruce since Tim is going to be the same age as the miraculous teens and is known to being as good as a detective as Bruce so he would be the best suit to help gather information. Dick was chosen as well because from what I've seen he has the best control of his emotions when the situation calls for it along with the fact that he has worked and befriended multiple hero teams along with founding the teen titans so would most likely understand the Paris Heroes better than batman or superman.

Also, I'm not the biggest fan of the ml x dc crossovers that just shove Dick aside and present him as just the sunshine of the bat family when he is a lot more than that. I'm not saying those stories are not good since I know they do that to focus on the main batboy they choose to have in that story, it's just that in my story I didn't want to do that (along with the fact that Nightwing is one of my favourite heroes).

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