"Let me paint on you?" Willow asked quietly when she saw Pin looking at the paintings that she was currently working on, one was the entrance to the stables.

The boy agreed, he looked very pleased that Willow asked him, which was sweet. While Willow grabbed her paints and paintbrushes, she thought about what she would paint on him, eventually she settled on painting Starry Night on his chest and collar bones. It would probably turn out a little rubbish, but she wanted to try it anyway.

She placed her gathered paints onto her bedside table along with their brushes, "I need you to take your shirt off and lay on your back for me." Willow explained to Pin as she placed an old sheet over the covers of her bed

Pin's ears coloured slightly but he did as Willow asked and took his jumper and shirt off, he lay back on it and waited for the girl to finish pattering around her room. Willow was placing the paints she needed on her paint pallet which had quite a few layers of old paint on, she placed a cup of water by her bedside and returned her attention to Pin.

"I'm going to have to sit on your lap for this, so sorry if I'm heavy." Willow apologised as she swung a leg over Pin and sat down on his lap, it was the best place to paint on him.

Both of them ignored the blushes that were spreading across the others face as Willow was making sure that she had the colours that she wanted. Pin flinched slightly as the cold paint touched his skin, Willow murmured an apology as she continued painting the dark building, the top of it reached part of his neck. Even Pin's collarbones were sharp, it made some of the sky look very interesting and some of the stars a little uneven.

Goosebumps erupted across Pin's skin occasionally when Willow moved to another part of skin and over time, it started to look like the painting. Whenever Willow would make a mistake, she would complain in a whiny voice, much to the amusement of Pin.

Slowly, as she finished the painting, the sun set slightly further in the sky and the colours started to bounce around Willow's room. "Don't move for a little bit, let it dry." Willow smiled down at him as she placed her pallet onto her bedside table and put her brushes into the glass of water.

Willow was about to get up from where she was sat on Pin, but before she could, Pin placed his hands on her thighs and held her down, "no, stay here, you're keeping me warm. The paint is cold as it's drying"

It took a surprising amount of effort for Willow not to throw her head back in laughter, "honestly, you're such a dramatic big baby."

Pin scoffed and tried to deny what was blatant fact, they bickered over it for a while longer before the conversation shifted to other things, like their friends, teachers at college, what Hogwarts house they were in (Pin was a Hufflepuff while Willow was a Slytherin) and they planned when it was a good time for the two of them to go out on a hack – if Sam ever stopped working Willow and Bee so hard.

"When does your family get back?" Pin asked, he had his shirt back on now, but still didn't let Willow get off of his lap, and the paint had dried completely. Willow was a bit resentful at the loss of the view of Pin's slight abs.

Willow leant over to her phone and checked the time, "around half an hour, well, given my family it'll probably be forty-five minutes."

Pin hummed and leant back on his elbows, "well then, that's long enough to completely thrash you at basketball free-throws."

Just as Willow was about to remind Pin that she was, in fact a player on a basketball team, Pin sat up and it brought his face a lot closer to Willow's. Their breath's mingled together, and colour rushed to both their cheeks and they were a mirror of one another. They looked at one another for a long moment and it wasn't clear who moved forwards first, but their lips met. Pin's hands reached up to cup her cheeks gently as he led the kiss, it flowed gently, and their tongue's met shyly. When they fell into their normal rhythm, they may have gotten a little carried away and forgot the time.

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