code name and agency

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Seraphina pov

I wake up and doing my usual routine, i wear the necklace kacchan, sans's,chara's,frisk's give and went downstair, as expected they are goinng too, yay more classmate

"Oi round face!!! Ready to go!!??" kacchan said appearing out of nowhere, i nodded "LETS GO EVERYONE! HERO COURSES WAITING
FOR US!!!!!!!" i shout happily, the other covered their ears

"you are so happy huh, sera chan~?" asdeos said from behind and pat my head, i smiled and hug him "yeah!! I drop out more than a week i must chase you all!!!!!!" i shouted, fire of courage burn in my eyes

"you know... Sera chan.. You are so cute..... I cannot resist....."asdeos said as he hold my chin, about to kiss me, i can feel my cheeks heating, i can hear so much gasp, his lips about to touch mine until someone kick his face hard

I had a look of emotionless yet shock
The person who kick asdeos is.................... Reaper! Sans

He look very irritated, then kacchan, cross chara,cross sans,dust sans,fell chara,fell sans,chara joined him kicking asdeos to death, i just stared at the chaos

I then look at the clock, 7:50, wait..... 7:50!!???? WE ARE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!

"WE ARE LATE!!! ITS 7:50 AM LETS GO DASH TO SCHOOL FRISK'S!!! JUST LEAVE THOSE LOSER BEATING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i shout as i grab the frisk's away and dash with my wing

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU SH*T-" kacchan about to say but then i hear another beating as i dash with the frisk's, bumping to so many people
"IM SORRY,IM SORRY, IM SORRY CITIZANS" i apologize and keep flying to school, we can hear noise and explosion

I look at behind to see the other chase after me "I WONT LET YOU BEAT ME  SERA!!!" kacchan shout "IS IT TIME FOR RACING YOUR DUMBASS!!!!???? I ONLY CARE TO THE SCHOOL!!!!" i shout and adding my speed

My team, kacchan team  racing over the school gate and we race to the door, i slide it open and we all bumped into each other, to make it more bad im the most bottom of the men

"oww..." i whimpered, i can see the other gasp and laugh at us

"care to explain why are you all... LATE!?" aizawa ask using his quirk
"first....." i said darkly the other look at me

"GET OFF ME!? DUMMY! YOU ALL ARE SO HEAVY!!!!!" i said in my demonic eye, my hair turn like day breaker,ny eye is red and slit, they look at me scared, even kacchan and they get up

I stand up dusting my uniform until i feel a red liquid dripping from myforehead, i take a drop and lick it, wait blood.... I then feel my head hurt

" sera!!" deku said looked shocked
" im fine, im fine, im fine~" i said like a drunk man and walk like a drunk man and falls

"im gonna take evangeline to the recovery girl, dont make chaos, if you do....." aizawa sensei picking me up and activate his quirk " hai!" the other quickly responded

- to the recovery girl-

"muaaah" recovery girl said kissing me on my forehead, i just sweatdropp

"i only speed you healing, so for the rest you will using bandage okay dear?" she said bandaging me, i nodded and feel tired plus weak

Btw aizawa sensei has leave earlier, then i walk to class like mindslave from yandere simulator, those boy are dead, i then slide the bg door, " oh evangeline! You back-" midnight said and see my walking pose

"morning, sensei....." i said darkly and walk to my seat, " y-you sure you okay? Shall i take you to recovery girl?" she said worried

"no im fine.... I just got back from recoveru girl room....... Im clearly fine.... I just want to kill someone... Heh" i said bitterly and look at her with murder look, she shivered

I then seat at my seat " w-well since you miss the lessom a little.... We are gonna make code name...uhh... A hero name.. Yeah!" she said shivering undwr my gaze, i went silent before jumping " YASSSSSSSSS IM WAITING FOR THIS!! THANKS TO YOU MIDNIGHT SENSEI!!!" i shout happily

She suprised, "y-yeah... You welcome.... Now sit back to you seat!!" she said, i then feel the suddem pain and sear back whimpering, " sensei? Can i use my healing quirk?" i ask her

"well normally its restriced to not use your quirk but you have reasonable reason, you may" she said

I then use my healing quirk, my wing become green and heal my head real fast, then i crumbed the bandage and throw it to the trash can like a pro

Then deku give me board, i smiled and thanked him, he blushes, aww cute!

Then i try to find a hero name suitable for me, the other then more and more come front then deku turn he show his name, " huh are you sure midoriya?" kyoka said " if you use that you will  be called that forever you know?" kirishima said

"ita fine.... At first i hate this name.... But someone change the meaning of this name, so.... Im going by the name deku!" he said confident, i smiled, you are so amazing izuku!!

Then its my turn, i think fast, what should my name be????

Should my name be seraph of the end?

I then write my hero name " can i go sensei?" i ask she nodded

I walk to the front and showed my name, the other amazed by my name

"ill be going with this name, the mystical flying hero: owari no seraph!! This name meaning seraph of the end, i feel like its suit my quirk!" i explain, smilling

"woah! What a very amazing and mythical name! I like this name! Its a great example for the class!" she said clapping her hand, sparkle in her eyes

I scratch my head, then when sitting

-after the code name lessons-

"now you all have chosen your hero name-" aizawa sensei said but i dont really care, i was thinking about who am i in the previous life, i did see in book of seraphim, my name are there, even our quirk are similar, but it just accident right?

"and evangeline" aizawa sensei said bringing me to reality "y-yes sensei!!?" i said a little suprised

"since you did'nt compete the exercise  festival, you wont getting any offer from hero since theu did'nt see how you fight, dismiss" he said as he and midnight walk out of class

I stared and look at the table,complete
ly speechless, my eye were emotionless, i wont getting any........

"i feel sorry for seraphina, she did save us..." momo said

"its unfair for her, its reasonable for the new student but for her its not acceptable" kyoka said, i just slammed my head on the table, hard,hard, hard enough to suprise the other.

"i-i did'nt getting any....." i said low as i  clenched my fist and hit the table repeatly

"its not fair!!! Uwaaah!!!" i said crying, momo,frisk and cross frisk patted my back

I then pack my stuff and dash out

"UWAAAH ITS UNFAIR!!! DAMN YOU TEACHER AND VILLAIN!!! ILL KILL EVERY SINGLE OF YOU VILLAIN!! I shouted and dash to my home, crying the whole day saying unfair

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