shouto problem's

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Seraphina pov

They teleport to the exercise festival, i then run aheas giggling leaving them
I lost again, then try to look for the stadium of class A but failed then i hear a booming voice "hey you" its belonged to number two top hero, endeavor, he walk's to me

I stared at him nervous, he about to speak but i run away using rainbow boom, i dont care if he's mad, he's scary!!

I then bump into someone, i lay on thop of the person, he have white and red hair, blue? Eyes on the right, red eye on the left, a burn mark at his left face

He wearing U.A sport jacket, he looked shocked but keep his composure, i then get up

"im very sorry todoroki kun!! I just
Running from your father-" i stopped talking when i about to say his father name

He widend his eye, and grab my shoulder " are you okay!? Did that old man do something to you!?" he ask, trying to examine if theres any damage done

"n-no im fine todoroki kun!" i said waving my hand then keep my composure, then ask him "why did you never use your left side power?"

He silent for awhile "i-its my "father"
Quirk, i made a promise that ill win
This festival without using the old man quirk to show how i hate him... For all what he's done..." he said, muttering the last part

I frowned and said "its your quirk right?" i sais as he look at me

"whether you inherite the quirk from your dad, is it still your's afterall! Its not endeavor's power, is it your after all!!" i sais ahocking him

"im going also dont tell the other, i want to suprise them" i said and leaving him speechless

My bad again

I lost agaim for sometime until i bump into................ Asdeos

He look at me shocked, i look down
"asdeos..... H-hello...." i said unsure, he probaly forget me, he probaly forget me!

But i was greeted by unexpected hug,
I look at him, he place his head on mt shoulder

" i-im scared that i lose you! Don't you know you scared the life out of me! Your sleeping for more than a week!!" he said as he hug me tigher

"oh no! Did i hurt you? Where did you go!? Did you lost? Did you-" he bombarded me with so much question

"a-asdeos!! Im fine! Really! See!" i said and twirkling happily, he look speechless before smilling, he hug me and kissed my forehead, i can feel my cheecks heat up, what is wrong with me!!???

" im very glad you alright lets go, the match between todoroki and midoriya has started" he said as he carry me bridal style

-at the stadium-
I jump out of his arm ans sneekily look at todoroki and and deku, deku have broken finger

"what is your problem!! Did my father buy you off so i will be using my quirk!?" todoroki shout angrily

I then shout "ITS YOU QUIRK IS IT!? YOU DUMBASS!!! NO MATTER WHAT, THAT'S YOUR OWN POWER, NOW BE A MAN AND USE YOUR QUIRK, SHOUTO TODOROKI!!!" shocked the living out of my friend and my alternate friend

"s-seraphina!? She's awake now!?" kirishima said shocked

I can hear kacchan calls my name but im to focused to the match

Todoroki silent for a while before he use his left side quirk

At last finally

" now i already use my left side, you better not letting me down midoriya!!" he shouted

" woah shouto todoroki finally use his left side quirk!!!" present mix said

I can see endeavor are full of spirited

I then fall down unconcius

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