class representative

444 15 1

Seraphina pov

I feel two finger poke my cheeks, i turn around still sleeping, then two finger jab my cheek again, not worth
for investigate it, i just slapped whoever have the finger is, i can hear
light "oww" then this time someone
grab my ear, i jumped to the other side

" seriously sera? You always damn lazy from kid to now" a voice said, i then look at where the voice belonged
I then see two figure, one have ash
Blonde hair, the other have gold-ish
blonde hair, its kacchan and ash!

"k-kacchan?ash? What are you doing here?..." i said lazily rubbing my eyes

" oi you wanna go to school or not!?" kacchan shout, shock the living day
Out of ash

" what time is it? .." i said still rubbing my tired eyes

"7:30" ash said have blush on his face

Wait.... 7:30!!??

"WHAIT WHAT!? WE ARE GONNA LATE TO SCHOOL!!!" i shout running to bathroom, dont bother take shower

" what the f*uck you worried about? And its you who sleeping dummy!" he said

I brush my hair and teeth, plus tongue, " WHERE IS MY UNIFORM!!???? WHY IS THE WORLD
HATE ME SO MUCH!!" i shout looking anywhere for the clothes

Then my folded clothes was shoved to my face " pls hurry! We'll wait" ash said dragging angry porcupine, ignoring the cursing

I then lock my door and quickly dress up, tie my tie, my scarf, pull up high sock, and boots,grab my school bag given by kacchan, unlock the door, rushing downstair

I take some toast and drink a later
Saying goodbye to the seraphim

I then catch up with ash and kacchan
we three run to the school gate, i pant
"i dont know i can run that fast with these big wing..." i said looking at my
seraphim golden wing

"shut up, you are the one who have those" kacchan said and leaving me with ash

" what a sucker.... Atleast say nice to sera..." ash said frowning

" lets go ash!" i said dragging him with me to class

- at classroom-

I slid open the big door " morning guys!!!" i greet everyone

They greet me back, i the sit at my seat, then right after that aizawa sensei arrived

"today you gonna-" aizawa sensei said

Its it another quiz!?

"choose your class representative" he said

Everyone volunteer themselves even kacchan except me,kacchan,momo,ochaco,tsu,kyoka,

" silence pls! I suggest that we vote for someone" lida said calming the class

"why did you suggest that" kirishima ask

"we arent close enough to each other"
tsu said

" the most who get vote is the most valuable and reliable person right?"
lida said

" i dont care how you gonna choose, just make sure pick before homeroom over" aizawa sensei said and goes sleeping im his sleeping bag

"hai! Thank you for your support!" lida said bowing

Then it went to vote

And who get picked is

Izuku-three vote

Seraphina- two vote

Lida-  one vote

There goes me and izuku stand in front of class....

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