USJ and the villain attack

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The next day aizawa sensei told us to
wear our costume after eating, look's
like we are having so much work haha

Then after that i then wear my costume

"it turned three instructor, me,all might and one more" aizawa sensei

" just go wear you costume you can leave some pieces, you costume maybe have certain limits, after that
go to the bus" aizawa sensei said walk out of the room

Then we all wear our costume, but some left some piece, even kacchan

I sense no limit on my costume, decide to wear all piece of my costume

I then walk to the bus, and found deku use his U.A gym clothes

"deku? Why are you wearing you gym
clothes?" i ask suprising the green  curly hair boy

"o-oh seraphina! I uhh  my costume being repaired by the support class" he said rubbing his head

"oh.. And you should call me sera! No but!" i said placing my hand on my hips

He blushed and nodded and we went to the bus

"everyone line up! Found your seat using your student seat!!" lida said

If we look that by using the student number, kyoka must sitting next kacchan but being a best friend ill be the one sitting next to him

"you dont mind?" i ask kyoka, she shake her head no " it be good if you the one sitting next to him rather than i get blown up" she said smilling, i laughed and sit next kacchan

I eat some chocolate i buy before going to school, i then hear deku squeaking, and then look he talking with tsu

"y-yes asui san?" he said nervous

"call me tsu" she said, "h-hai!" he answered back

" you quirk are similar to all might" she said i begin panicking, uh oh

"wait a minute!" kirishima cut in,
"all might never get hurt whenever he use his quirk, but still its cool to have augment-type quirk of your! You can do so much flashy stuff! Mine are strong again other, but its no where flashy than your" kirishima said and begin clenching his arm

"y-your quirk is also amazing kirishima kun!, your quirk are hardening right? I think you can pass
A pro hero!" deku said a little shuttering

" pro hero huh? If about strong and flashyness, it got to be todoroki,bakugo and and asdeos right?" he said

I keep listening, munching on my chocolate, kacchan glared at kirishima before he look away and tch'ed

If todoroki kun hmm... Its very cool
To have control two side, left is fire, while right is ice, no joking!

If asdeos.... He does fit in both,he are strong yet can do anything flashy, and so many girl are drooling at him

I cant blame them though... I mean he does have good body- wait what am i thinking!?

I shake my red head to avoid those thinking

" my quirk are master ar both strong and flashyness!💖" aoyama said out of

" nah i ain't agree at strong one because after that you have stomach
Ache" i said waving my right hand while my left hand holding the chocolate

He glared at me

" but seraohina, you are fitting bot strong and flashyness!" deku said
sparkle at his eye

I choked on my chocolate, i coughed
"w-what... Do cough cough you mean cough cough deku?" i ask half coughing

" you can summon a phoenix, more better that ash is a prince! You even can transform into one of your seraphim! In the exam before you manage to give a very amazing attack!
You even use fire magic, the place like having meteor,fire tornado,fire waves, the bursting fire blaze of your, the spire, and ash too! You both are amazing! When you throw to! A dragon chase after the ball" deku exclaimed, i blushed

"i agree!" kirishima said,the other give good complain

"will you shut up extras!?" kacchan shout irritated

" if bakugo, i dont think he will be too
popular" tsu said

I and deku panicked
"WHAT DID YOU FUCKIN' SAY YOU DAMNED FROG!?" kacchan shout about to launch at her, i manage to
Hold back kacchan

"what did i say?" tsu said laughing
"even thought we are not that close,
We already know bakugo huh?" kirishima said smilling

explosion was made at his palm

I giggled, kacchan need to climb these seat if he want to launch at them, kacchan being teased! Its fun to see him teased!

"we are here! Stop joking around!" aizawa sensei shout and we walk out of the bus

"kacchan did you have enough? Irts so fun seeing you get teased!" i laughed

Then he pinched my nose, "k-kacchan! Oww stop that!! It hurt!" i said try to slap away his hand

He laughed "that's what you get round
Face!" he said, i pouted

Then we arrived
"woah this look like a real nature disaster!?" i said

" cause USJ is unforeseen simulation joint, where we will train to save people from nature disaster!" someone said

A white astronout came
"its thirtheen! The gentlemanly hero
Who save so much life!" deku said

Is it his specialty after all....

"wheres all might?" i ask

"uh well you see..." i cant hear some word

Then a black-purple circle appeared

"everyone step back!" aizawa sensei said

"huh? What is going on!?" kirishima ask

"its a villain!" thirtheen said

"huh? Is a villain attack apart on the resque lesson?" i ask

" no, they are real villain" aizawa sensei said

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