A Summoner, is a dark type magician who are able to bestow curses and summon the creatures he has contracted with and may start with two slots for contract. Upon promotion the user learns five spells.
Paralysis-3Mp-paralyze the target for one minute.
Nighmare-5MP-may trigger death to the target, after three succesion of failure upon a single target, the target will develop immunity. Can only be use to unconscious target.
Curse-10MP-decrease the physical ability of the target for five minutes.
Summon-3MP per creature-summon the contacted creature to the fight.
Shape shift-20 Mp-become an animal or person you see for a day and copy one of his ability that you have seen. The caster may cancel the spell.

Elementalist, a very extraordinary mage class. The imagination is the limit of his power. Due to possession of five elements he has the power to control the five elements surrounding him within the radius of 10 meters. No mana usage and his power solely lies on the mental capabilities of the user of how clearly he can comprehend and think." Clarity explained, "Sp can now be use to uprgade how long the spells can be, max HP and max MP, rate HP and MP regen." she added.

"Wow that was amazing, then I would like to upgrade my MP regen and max MP." I said excitedly.

"You have 42 Sp at your disposal, 2 sp for 1/s and 2 sp for additional 10 points of max MP. How do you like ro spend yojr points?" she ask.

"I want 30 of it in mana regen and 12 of it in my max MP" I answered.

"Adjustment done" she replied. I then went out of my room and see Morris talking to uncle smiling.

"Oh my goodness!" Uncle said then stand as soon as he notices me, "Thank God your awake now, I thought we've lost you" he said then walks towards me and give me a hug.

"Congratulations sir!" Morris said with a smile then slightly bow as uncle releases me.

"Congratulations for what?" I ask Morris the look at uncle who was now smiling.

"You are now our new village chief, I decided to pass my position to you, well because you help the village, a lot!" he said the release a chuckle.

"But what would the villagers say?" I ask hesitantly.

"No need to fear for revolt, two days ago after you defeated the pillagers and became unconscious we brought you to your room and held a meeting." Morris answered whil uncle stay silent."Chief Lewis propose for a new chief, most of the villagers oppose but then after they heard it was you to be next they readily accept." he added.

"I think that was decided then" I told them in surrender then take a sit as they too take a sit.

"Uncle, how many villager do we have?" I ask uncle Lewis.

"We have a total of 35 people in our little village, 5 were the guards led by Alfred, 10 were farmers and fruit pickers and herb pickers, 5 merchant led by Morris and 15 little kids ages 6 to 12." he answered.

"Wow we have too little population" I said in disbelief. Now I was the new village chief and need to protect this little neighborhood and can't go to a town. If I can't get to a town I will make my own town.

"Guys I need your help" I said to them as I lean towards them."Morris I need you to go with your group to nearby villages to go here if they wanted for protection, if they wouldn't agree we will cut our trade with them for we will now focus our trade with town and encourage people there to go here for we will but there products 10 copper higher than the town, I also need you to research the price value of products in nearby town, can you do this?" I ask him.

"I think we can do this, but we need funding for our supplies for a month." he answered after being quiet for some time.

"100 gold, is it enough?" I ask him.

"More than enough, we would only need 30 gold or so, but we don't have such amount!" he exclaimed.

"No problem!" I told him and withdraw 100 gold from my inventory and give it to him. "Can you do this tommorow?" I ask him after asking him.

"Yes sir!" he answered as he stand and went to the door.

"And oh Morris buy books as much as you can and hire an artisan on your way!" I called out as he was abput to go he then just replied me with a nod. I then look at uncle who look surprise with lot of money I have.

"Uncle, can we get people to construct something?" I ask him.

"Yes, of course as long as it's made of wood" he said then release a chuckle.

"I see, do you have a school here?" I ask him.

"What was that?" he ask.

"A place where children was taught how to read, write and compute" I answered.

"I think we don't have that." he replied.

"Then have someone to build a building dor that, I would also like to know if there other races than humans." I said.

"Ok I will have alfred and people to do that. Dwarves and Elves are the only races known to me because I see one of them in my life, others are undead and other humanoid creature like goblins, orcs and kobolds" he answered.

"Uncle can you make a trade agreemsnt with the dwarves? we would need rocks from them, we don't need gems and ask them if they could sell weapons or armors to us."

"Very well then, I will leave the next day" he said warmly.

"Uncle you need this." I said as I gave him 20 gold coins and a bottle of HP potion.

"That is an HP potion, thank you son!" he told me with a warm smile. Later that day I met and greet with people in the village back to my room and sleep for it will be the start of my bew life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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