v. trouble in paradise.

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head in the clouds. chapter five.
SUMMARY ; jeffrey starts to think diana is lying about her whereabouts.

am i naive to think that he
could be the love of my life?
there is a voice inside my head
that's telling me that it's right

THE FOLLOWING morning, margo awoke to her body laying on top of another and the sight of diana and jeffrey's bedroom. the girl blinked multiple times as she lifted her head up, seeing jeffrey asleep underneath her, she was laying on top of him, her head had been resting on his chest. he had one hand on her back and the other was wrapped in her hair until she moved and it slipped down to her neck.

glancing at the clock, margo's eyes widened at the time, 8:57. she was late for school, it was the last week until summer vacation, she knew she'd get an ear load from her mother if she missed it. the girl jumped out of bed, ignoring jeffrey when he grunted in his sleep, rolling over to his side. margo practically ran to her bedroom, changing into a clean set of clothes, after securing her belt through the loops of her jeans and throwing on a crop tank top, margo quickly tied her white sneakers. she flicked on the light switch to her bathroom, scrubbing her teeth and brushing her hair out, before jogging back into the bedroom where jeffrey was still asleep.

"jeffrey, c'mon i'm late for school, mom still isn't back yet," margo got on her knees on the bed, shaking jeffrey's shoulders to wake him. the man rolled over onto his back, rubbing his eyes awake with his hands. blinking them open he met margo's gaze, a small sleepy smile tugging on the corner of his mouth as he spoke. "are those the jeans you just had to have?" he asked, head tilting to the side. margo rolled her eyes, ignoring the grin appearing on her mouth at the sight of jeffrey shirtless, bedhead and sleepy voice.

"no, they aren't here yet. c'mon, mom will yell at both of us if i miss today," margo practically dragged jeffrey out of the bed. the man tossed on a t-shirt before following the girl down the steps and out of the house. jeffrey worked from home most days, pros of owning the business, he really got to do what he wanted, which was a great thing in the summer time.

margo was looking forward to the summer, every year they went to her grandparents place in california, then down to their own house in florida. the summer months always flew by so quickly, margo was always at diana and jeffrey about moving someplace warm, sure she'd miss her friends, but the thought of living in california and getting to practically live in a bikini was too good not to care about her old life back in pa.

the ride to the school was silent excluding the radio playing, it wasn't awkward or tense, it was a comforting silence. until margo broke it. "did you talk to mom?" the girl questioned, turning her head to look at the man. jeffrey shook his head, before he reached forward and grabbed his phone from out of the cup holder, passing it to margo.

"call her," he responded. margo unlocked jeffrey's phone — she's known his passcode since a month after they met — going into his contact list and clicking on her mother's name, she held the phone up to her ear after that. she listened to the sound of it ringing three or four times, before the phone on the other side picked up.

"you're taking margo to school right?" she heard her mother's panicked voice rush out, she sounded out of breath and margo could hear her keys fumbling around in the background. jeffrey glanced at the girl, frowning at this, he could hear it too due to the silent car. "yeah we're on our way, this is margo.. where are you?" the blonde responded, bending her leg to place her foot on the seat she was on, ignoring jeffrey when he reached over and gently slapped her ankle to signal her to take it off.

head in the clouds | jd.morganWhere stories live. Discover now