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"i like those photos" she said a girl came up and dumped her food that she wasnt going to eat on katie james got mad "Maria leave" he said helping katie clean up "oh come on she's trash useless" katie heard that katie got up grabbed her things and went to the bathroom her bestfriend went to james waited katie called and asked if she could get picked up early they said yes they came and picked her up the nurse understood why and had washed her clothes katie looked out the window colleen seen Katie eyes she sighed "mom dad am i useless" sam slowed dowm looking in the rear mirror katie was still looking out the window "no katie" colleen said katie phone rang she looked "hello?" she asked "wait what happened?" she asked into the phone "i need to get to the shelter an emergency came up" she said sam turned around took her there she had enough time to get things ready colleem seen a woman and man walk in with a dog she frowned "thank you if he came home to see her like this who would have known what he would do" katie smield "she's in good hands here" she said kelly smiled "i see your arm is looking better" kelly pointed out katie smiled kat started gaging katie seen Kelly and Lucas eyes kaite frowned "she was poisoned luckily not enough to kill her but she might have to be watched in a vet clinic center they treat animals like they are humand with care and love" kelly smiled "you know when we first meet you said your name was katie my son james Griffin he named his dog after you" Kelly said "eh me and James are good friends" she said Maria walked in "hello mrs. and mr. griffin" she said katie sniffed the air she looked she seen a green liquid in Maria pocket in was a vinel bottle katie walked over and took it when she came back Maria was mad "i did take some of your dog's blood and i took your vinel bottle im going to have them sent to the lab" marie walked out after smacking katie in her face but she didnt care kelly and Luacas left when the test results came back kat was better katie smiled and gave her some water and food she held it down kelly and lucas came back but with james he was worried he seen Katie on the floor with kat laying her head on Katie's lap james smiled kat ears twiched she looked up and gave a wince in pain it katie smiled "your gonna be okay girl im gonna see to it" she said james smiled "we were lucky to get a hold of her on short notice" kelly said it didnt startle katie she stood up giving kat more water "what happened all they said was she taken here cause something bad happened" katie frowned "james she was poisoned" she said james eyes went to kat who was on the floor he sighed "do you have any one who would try to harm your dog?" kelly asked katie seen James eyes "Maria" he said katie seen his eyes she seen a lab person come in he handed katie the results "what we are dealing with its a very powerful poison" the person said "and they are same poison" the person said katie frowned "where ever she got it we need to call the police" james was by kat side katie looked "they are ready coming"

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