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"Hey, you cold, too, Akane?" Kenta wanted to know. I shook my head.

"Nah, dude, I'm a human heater if I want to be. I don't get cold." I said with a smirk. That was a lie. I did get cold if I just didn't use my Quirk or if I got too tired. Right now, I was fine, though. We passed the bottle around a few more times, before Kenta decided he had to go and pee real quick. We had emptied the bottle at this stage and were all fairly tipsy now. I just hoped we'd make it back inside safely.

Kenta excused himself and made his way inside. Aizawa was still sitting on his roof, seemingly unaware of us (which was pretty impossible, given the fact that we were really drunk and also really loud). It almost looked like something was on his mind, like something bothered him.

"What're you staring at, Aka-chan?" Shigeru asked me, moving a little closer to me.

"Huh?" I replied, a little surprised at the sudden closeness. I might have had a crush in him, but that didn't mean I was ready for him to make a move. Not now. Not like this. He seemed to be making a move, though.

"Oh. My. God. This is fucking hilarious. That's the creepy dude we've been talking about, isn't it? The first year?" he wanted to know.

"I dunno. Maybe. Looks like him." I answered, trying to sound as if I didn't care. Shigeru moved in even closer and leaned into me.

"Hey, wanna see me give this loser a fright?" he whispered. My eyes widened. Give him a fright? What the fuck did he mean?

"What? Shigeru, you're fucking wasted. That's probably a shit idea..." I said. He shook his head with a big grin on his face. It was a sinister grin. I didn't like it at all.

"No, no, no, I'm fine. Watch me!" he replied and stood up. Oh shit, was he going to use his Quirk? Shigeru's Quirk was a teleportation quirk. It only worked for a few metres at a time, but if he tried teleporting Aizawa that might actually kill him!

"What the fuck are you doing? Shigeru, stop it!" I shouted, kind of hoping that Aizawa would hear the commotion and see what was going on.

"Sssh, I know what I'm doing, babe. Just let me do my thing..." he mumbled. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, this wasn't good.

"YO AIZAWA WATCH THE FUCK OUT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He seemed to have heard it and turned around to us. I knew Shigeru would be using his Quirk soon and God knows what kind of dumb shit he'd do being drunk like that.

"The fuck? My Quirk's not working... fuck this. It's this little creep's fault!" Shigeru said loudly. I looked back at Aizawa and sighed with relief when I saw his eyes glowing red and his hair floating around his head. He had cancelled out Shigeru's Quirk and was safe. For now, at least.

"You totally ruined the surprise! Didn't know you were such a bitch..." Shigeru mumbled as he turned to me. I blinked in surprise. What the fuck was that about? Was he actually getting angry at me? For not letting him kill a first year at our school?

"You could have easily killed him! What the hell were you even thinking? You're way too fucking drunk." I replied. He didn't seem happy with that, because he quickly grabbed my chin between his fingers and forced me to look at him. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me angrily.

"Don't fucking touch me, Shigeru." I said quietly. I had become very aware that we were both standing on the roof of building, drunk as shit, and that Shigeru was really fucking pissed at me. I knew he wasn't the most rational person when he got drunk. This was a bad situation to be in.

"What if I do, huh?" he mumbled.

"I'm warning you. Let go of me." I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. He just huffed arrogantly and tightened his grip. I saw him raise his hand, as if he was about to hit me.

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