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"Oh my God, I'm glad I made it in time. When are we starting?" I asked, huffing, because I was really out of breath from jogging all the way up to the commentator booth. Hizashi and Aizawa both looked at me. Hizashi seemed a little surprised, but happy to see me, all I could gather from Aizawa's face was something like disappointment. Not quite disappointment, but pretty close to it.

"I think we'll be starting right now." Present Mic said with a big grin. I sighed with relief and pulled up a chair to sit down between the two of them.

"HEY!" Hizashi screamed and I startled a little. It wasn't like it was unexpected, really, but it was kind of sudden. When he said it would be starting "right now" I didn't really think it would be right now.

"Pay attention, audience!" he shouted as the crowd started roaring. It was weird just how many people were here to see the festival. You never really got to appreciate the sheer size of this event when you were in the crowd. But now, everyone just looked really small and I got an impression of just how big of a crowd there was for the very first time. If I had known while still going to U.A., I probably would have been way more nervous.

"Swarm, mass media!" Hizashi continued and I could see Shouta slouching down a little and it sounded like he was even sighing quietly.

"This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. Sports Festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?!"

While he was talking Hizashi was making wild gestures and I almost got hit in the face once or twice. He didn't even seem to notice. What impressed me even more was how routinely Shouta moved out of the way when Hizashi was about to hit him. It was like the two of them - however unlikely their friendship was - were basically an old married couple, finishing each other's sentences and all that shit.

"It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage! The U.A. Sports Festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, alright? The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero Course, Class 1-A!" Hizashi announced.

I leaned forward a little to see the students walk in. I knew most of their names by now, which I was pretty proud of. I could see Ashido in the front, together with Atsui, the girl that Shouta saved. There was Aoyama and Sero, Kaminari, Jiro, Mineta, Todoroki, Midoriya - they all looked nervous enough, but still confident enough. Man, I sure hoped they were prepared.

"They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero Course, Class 1-B!" Hizashi announced the next class that came walking in. I smiled when I saw all of them. It had always made me proud seeing my students participate in projects and all, but this was a whole different league.

"Oh my God, there's Tetsutetsu. I love Tetsutetsu." I mumbled. Shouta turned his head towards me. It was even more difficult to read him with all the bandages on his face, but I guessed he looked somewhat puzzled.

"Who?" he asked.

"Kid with the grey hair. He's a bit of a dope, but one of the most lovable kids I ever taught." I replied.

"Next up, General Studies, Classes C, D and E!" Hizashi announced. I wasn't trying to play favourites or anything, but class C definitely had some of my favourite students. I leaned over to Shouta.

"See the kid with the messy purple hair? He kinda reminds me of you, back in high school." I told him.

"Cause he looks tired as fuck?" Shouta asked.

"Weird point, but yes, that too. Don't ask me why, he just has a very similar vibe." I answered.

"Support Course, Classes F, G and H are here, too! And Business Course, classes I, J and K! All of U.A.'s first years are here now!" Hizashi finished up his introduction and sat back. I saw Midnight up on the podium, getting ready to speak.

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