Part 4

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It has been five days since the incident. You still haven't woken up since. The doctors couldn't even guarantee if you're going to make it. But Yunho always held onto that string of hope for you to wake up and open your eyes, so he could say back his feelings for you.

His heart was broken. For those five days, he never leaves your side. Unless the doctors told him to do so, but afterwards he will come back to you.

It hurts him when he sees the multiple iv attached to your skin. The oxygen mask helps you breathe. It's all his fault, isn't it? You get attacked by some stupid humans for protecting an Android like him. Should he just go? So you could just live normally and safely like before.

His eyes went glassy again as he blamed himself for your condition.

"Yunho," a familiar voice called him, Mingi.

For the past few days, Mingi has been visiting you regularly. He trusted Yunho enough to let him stay by her side.

Yunho quickly wiped his coming tears out of the way using his sleeve.

"You shouldn't beat yourself up for it," Mingi patted Yunho's back in an encouraging manner. The truth is, Mingi knows the things that have been going on between you two. It would be so foolish of him if he doesn't realise the way you two look at each other. He also knew the fact that Yunho had turned into a deviant as soon as he saw Yunho's having an emotion. He just wasn't an official deviant back then.

"I'm sorry." Yunho apologised.

"You apologized for like a hundredth time right now." Mingi replied.

"By the way, this is your clothes. I mean, it's mine but you could borrow it. You've been in that outfit for too long. Go clean yourself," Mingi said before passing him the bag full of clothes.

Yunho smiled thankfully at Mingi before going out of the room to clean himself.

Mingi looked at your unconscious form. His heart felt heavy at the sight. Hand reaching for yours, he held them tightly.

"I know you're a fighter. You can do this," Mingi whispered, a pained smile was on his face.

The vibration inside his pocket made him groan. He actually has sneaked out from his work to pay his sister a visit.

"I'm sorry sis. Yunho will be here, I promise," he said before taking the call and went out.


Your eyes fluttered as you tried to adjust to the brightness of the room. It was then, you realised the condition you were in. And to make matters worse, no one was by your side.

And the first person running into your mind was...

"Yunho?" You tried calling after him. After that unfortunate incident, you were left without knowing what happened to him.

"Yunho?" Voice cracked, you could feel yourself teared up again. It was five days of unconsciousness and that means five days of a constant nightmare.

It would always be that same dream. Yunho died. Yunho leaving you. And you will always end up in that pitch black hole by yourself, weeping.

All you want right now is to see his face. To make sure that he was alright.

Without thinking, you roughly took off the mask oxygen and the needle pricked on top of your hand. It made the spot bleed but you don't care, you need to see him.

Forcing yourself to stand up, you ignored the black spots that started to dance in your vision. Everything around you was spinning.

You don't know how you made it to the door. All you know was to lean on something to support yourself. Eyes blurry from the tears, you were already halfway through the hallway. Your body leaned against the wall as you tried to keep yourself upright. The short journey already made you feel exhausted like you were ready to pass out again.

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