Part 1

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DETROIT, 11 JAN 2150

Technology has reached its peak when cars no longer have four tyres that spin on the road, the vehicles are floating as if they are denying gravity. Books have already been put on display in a museum.

But it seems like humans would never get enough of those creations. So they decided to create something bigger. Something more intelligent. A human robot.

They called it Android.

Android was a robot that was made to look like a human. In fact, too human. You might confuse it as one of your kind if it was not for the small blinking LED that was placed on their right temple.

Android's artificial skin was so soft and human like, same goes to their hair that was undeniably silky smooth. They can do literally everything, from housekeeping to babysitting, you named it. The robots have a high intelligence. They can even sense human emotion, and detect a disease in your body.

As much as you want to brag about how great the creature is, there's a thing that they can't do and they will never do. Emotion.

They can't feel emotion. They can't be emotional. Guess that was their only flaw then.


Switching through the channel, you huffed at the same news going on everyday.

'Petition to destroy Androids!'

''We lost our jobs to a freakin robot!'

Android was so perfect. They don't make mistakes, unlike humans. The event was so unfortunate as a lot of people lost their jobs and life's due to the android replacement.

How ironic, humans created androids for their advantages but they are the one who were enraged when androids were taking over.

A knock on your door makes you jolted in shock, head instantly turned towards your front door.

"Y/n! It's Mingi, your brother. Open up!" His deep voice was heard on the other side of the door.

You pressed the small button beside the door, a loud ding sound echoed throughout the small house before the door opened. Revealing your brother.

"Did you change your passcode again? It kept on saying 'access denied'," your brother groaned, entering the house like he owned it and you rolled your eyes.

"I didn't change it, you idiot."

Mingi glared at you when the word 'idiot' left your mouth. He plopped himself on your coach before flicking through the channel on your television like you did before. His pointy finger keeps on swiping in order to find something that suits his taste.

"Why did you come here?" You asked. Giving him a glass of orange juice.

"What? I can't visit my little sister anymore?" He replied, taking his juice from you when you sat down beside him on the coach.

"No, it's just weird. You're always busy with your work nowadays,"

Mingi eyes flickered at you for a moment. "I'm a detective, of course I'm busy. Lately, there's been too many cases of androids becoming deviant," He groaned, passing back the now empty glass to your lap.

You raise an eyebrow. Deviant? What is that?

As if he knew what was on your mind, he answered. "Deviant is what we call for android that turns against their order, something like a rebel,"

You nodded. Knowing the fact that the android only acts or even moves when their owner gives them an order.

"Don't you want to have one?" Mingi suddenly asked. His eyes are eyeing you.

[Completed] A Robot Become Human Where stories live. Discover now