2. That first impression

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Emma's POV:
We were talking and laughing all night.
Regina is just something else. In my whole life I was teasing girls and saying the big words but.. i have never had a relationship before and i'm still a virgin. Well that's obvious but i've never had sex with a girl before either.
Right now we are waiting for the desserts and I can sense that Regina is staring at me and my cleavage the entire night. But she's nice amd i think we will have a great relationship. maybe even more than a simple stepmom-stepdaughter relationship. i mean that body those breasts, legs. No Emma STOP. Where's your dad in that picture? Oh yeah dad...
I am gonna get my period cause these cramps are starting to kill me.
- Umm excuse me for a moment. - it was hard to even talk, walk ahh i hate this shit. I didn't have my medicine so i'm just regaining the energy to survive the night. I was trying to take deep breaths while leaning on the sink but nothing helped. And then the door opened slowly and i heard that angelic voice..

Regina's pov:
- I'm gonna go see if she's alright
-Alright, by the way honey i'm really glad that my two favorite girls are on good terms
- Yeah i like Emma.- maybe a little too much-
-I love you
-Yeah, me too
I walked into the bathroom to find a struggling blonde from those ladie issues i guess.
-Hey Emma what's wrong
-Oh nothing I mean i'm good
- You are clearly not so let me help you alright?
- Being a woman is sucks i hate this crap.
-I have some meds with me take these.- i said as i caressed her back
- Your a life saver thank, ohgoood.
-Is it really that bad? - i asked as i tried to sooth her
- Not all the time but right now I'm pretty sure it's similar to hell - I chuckled but I was still concerned
-In that case I'm gonna ask the waiters to pack our desserts so we can go home alright?
- You really don't have to , oh dear lord (cramps), alright let's go.
Emma's pov:
Dad was really understandable about this he didn't ask any questions which i was glad about.
At home I took an extra hot shower and then changed into my comfiest pj-s. It's basically a baggy t-shirt with a huge hoodie and some sweat-short pants. /you know which one I meanxD/ Regina told me to go downstairs after that so i put my hair in a messy bun and went to the kitchen.
She also took her makeup off, put her hair in a low-bun. She's extremely beautiful but first she's with dad so straight, secondly she is probably much older even if it doesn't seems like that and third why would she like me.

Regina's pov:
-Hi how are you feeling?
-Little better but the meds didn't really helped
- Aa I'm sorry to hear that. By the way i made you some special tea which usually eases my pain when i have my period- we walked towards the couch and she snuggled up in a "fetal" way while I was facing her
-Thank you so much it would have been weird with dad
- Yeah I know the feeling that's one of the reasons why am I here - i chuckled, she giggled and that is the most adorable thing in the world
-I can't thank you enough for that
- Just don't be afraid to ask I want to help you in any possible way okay? I know that I will never be close to a mother kind of person to you but consider me as a close friend alright?- I really wanted to make her feel safe and comfortable. As I was talking I placed my hand on her knee which caught her attention.
- I will I just always had trust issues. I guess it's because the first few years of my life.
- Why what happened? - David told me nothing about these deep personal stuffs and I realized how much I cared and wanted to make her feel safe
-Well i don't know how much do you know. But the point is that the day I was born my biological parents gave me away. Gave me away huh tossed me away they fucking left me on the side of a road. I could have died but nobody fuckin cared about that tiny little fact - i never said these things out loud so i am about to cry and have a panic attack or something, Regina just makes me feel like that I can trust her already — and.. and I-I..
-Its okay, it's okay. You're okay. Take your time i'm right here- i said as i hugged the crying blonde tight
Several minutes later she told me the whole story but she never pulled away. She nuzzled her face into the crock of my neck and told me everything. I don't think that she ever said these things out loud but i'm glad that i'm the first person she trusts? enough to tell them to.
After twenty minutes she pulled away and before she tried to hide her face i caressed her cheek and wiped her tears away.
- You're okay Emma. You're safe with me. I will never tell these to a living soul alright? Just tell me because I know how damn hard it is to keep everything to yourself.
-Alright i guess i will. Nothing good comes out when i keep things to myself anyways.
- What do you mean by that? What happened?
-Nothing.. - she said as she pulled her sleeves even further down
-Oh Emma honey please tell me you didn't .
Tears started to race down on her face and before she could say anything else i pulled her into another hug. These were amaziiing but that's not the point right now.
-Let me see them - i said as we pulled away
- No. You know what is there but you are not gonna see them
- Emma please I need to know - i said in a harsher tone as i grabbed her wrists
- Why? Why do you need to know?
- Because I care. I don't know why or how but I do. So pull up those sleeves and show me
When she pulled it up i gasped. I really wasn't expecting these. Her whole arm was full of deep cuts.
- Emma please promise me right here right now that you will never ever gonna do self-harm again
- But..
- No no buts. This, these are not okay
-I promise. Just please don't.. — I'm not going to tell your father this time. But if there will be a second occasion i will.
-Thank you
-Now go upstairs and sleep as long as you want. Your father will be away the entire day but I will be at home so when you wake up we can do something together if you want
- I would love that. Thank you Regina. For everything. I have only met you like 8 hours ago but you outdone yourself already like nobody did before. At least not for me. So thank you
- Emma you don't have to thank me all these, I want these stuff to be granted between us.
- I will never take you for granted. not even if you're gonna be just my step-mother. Good Night Regina
I just stared at her because i'm pretty sure she didn't wanted me to hear those words. She likes me? She wants more? With me? Oh dear lord..
-Regina, you okay?
-Yeah i'm fine sorry. Have sweet dreams, see you in the morning

:// okaaay so this is the second 'real-action' chapter. i know it's not that good but i promise it will be fun or i hope. anyways tell me suggestions://

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