"Great! Be ready by 7" Iris said leaving the cortex before she gave Barry a kiss on the lips

"Ready by 7" Barry repeated while looking at the ground

Barry's POV~

When Iris kissed me in the cortex, the spark was just gone I felt nothing not a single moment of energy spark through my lips. I'm not over the moon about going on a date with Iris either; I would rather be here with my friends, with Caitlin... than go on this date right now. Hopefully, this date is better than that kiss.


3rd person POV~

Date Night time~

Barry was not ready at all for this date he was dreading going at all; while Iris, on the other hand, was so excited to spend quality time with her fiancé! As Barry and Iris, both arrived at the beautiful restaurant; Barry was trying his best to hide the fact he didn't want to be here.

Barry was not ready at all for this date he was dreading going at all; while Iris, on the other hand, was so excited to spend quality time with her fiancé! As Barry and Iris, both arrived at the beautiful restaurant; Barry was trying his best to h...

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Moments passed~

Plates of food arrived towards both Barry and Iris; Barry began eating to avoid any talking with Iris."Barry, I'm so excited that you are back!" Iris said smiling

"Me too," Barry said with a grin

"So, what was it like?" Iris said

"What was what like?" Barry said confused

"The Speed Force, Stupid!" Iris said with a bright smile on her face

"Right... The Speed Force..." Barry said kind of hurt by Iris's comment

"Well, it was fine..." Barry said twisting his pasta not wanting to talk about this topic with Iris

"What do you mean it was fine?" Iris asked

"I mean I just spent 6 years in there and nothing really interesting happened," Barry said lying straight through his teeth

"Oh okay... I see" Iris mumbled underneath her breath

The rest of the date was pretty awkward; just like their first date with no spark. Barry hated every minute of that date, but Iris was ready to have another lecture on Barry. Barry and Iris reached the loft, and Iris slammed the door right behind her as they both entered the loft.

"Okay, what's up with you?" Iris said raising her voice and looking ticked

"What do you mean?" Barry said calmly

"Why are you acting so different? You are acting like you don't want to be next to me!" Iris said as her blood began to boil

"Iris, the Speed Force changed me, it was a lot for me to handle and you expect me to come to you with open arms?" Barry said kind of hurt

"You know what Barry? I tried to reason with you but, no. Do you have any idea what effect this had on me?!" Iris said screaming at Barry

Barry tried to speak but Iris cut him off from saying a word. "You just left me, Barry! YOU JUST LEFT ME!" Iris said while a vain was about to pop from her head and her blood was at boiling point.

"Iris, I have a city to protect your needs can't always be the top priority! People have families and I can't let them loss that, just because you want me to stay with you!" Barry said with tears trying to force out of his eyes.

Iris stood there with nothing to say; she was full of pride towards herself. "Marriage is about sacrifice sometimes Iris; I know all of this was hard on you it was on all of us. But you can't have a pity party for yourself." Barry said opening the door signaling that he wasn't going to stay at the loft for the night.

"Marriage is also about not shutting the other person out, Barry!" Iris said with a tear stream down her face

"I think it's too late for that" Barry stated with tears stinging his eyes as he walked out the door and slammed the door in Iris's face.

Sometime later~

Cisco's Apartment~

Barry knocks on Cisco's apartment door; hears footsteps approaching the door and the doorknob begins to twist back and forth for a second. It opens to see Cisco in his pj's and the television playing in the background of his apartment.

"Hey man," Cisco said starching his head

"Hey, Cisco... I was wondering if I could stay the night?" Barry asked rubbing the back of his neck

Cisco noticed him in dress attire, he also noticed that Barry has been crying it looks like. Cisco connected the dots together; he's guessing the date with Iris didn't go so well...

"Yeah, Barry come on in," Cisco said while looking at his hurt friend; he could tell Barry didn't want to talk about it at the moment so, he didn't bother asking about it Cisco welcomed Barry into his apartment.

"I'll sleep on the couch," Barry said trying to be as vague as possible

"Okay man, get some rest I'll see you tomorrow," Cisco said handing Barry a set of pj's and sheets

"Thanks, Cisco for understanding," Barry said while taking the pj's and sheets

"Of course anything for a friend," Cisco said with a sincere nod

Cisco decided on going to bed to get some rest; meanwhile, Barry had changed and made his makeshift bed. While laying on the couch, Barry couldn't fall asleep at all he couldn't stop thinking about what Iris said; he couldn't imagine being with someone who had such a selfish opinion, it was shallow. Barry managed to start having a conversation with the ceiling which helped him fall asleep. By thinking about the Speed Force and Caitlin which made him smile and fall soundly asleep for the night.

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