I see Jimmy's house and I see the wall that exploded and its getting fixed. I then go the way where Jimmy and I turned into small kids. I keep walking and then I go past the Amusement park and walk for another 10 minutes until I reach my house. I smile at the house and I get out my keys. I go towards the door and I unlock it, I walk inside and close the door behind me. I breath in and out. "Finally home" I say and then I see some mail inside my house. I grab the mail and head towards the living room. I sit down on my couch and then I notice Its some bills and some mail from the bank. I sight and I put down my backpack and then I grab the bills and I open them. "Water bills, Electricity bills, Gas bill...Oh...House bill" I put them down and I make my way towards my bedroom. I open the door and I get hit with the smell of my perfume. I go towards my drawer and I grab my Wallet. I then go back downstairs and I start making the checks and then I send them in towards the company. "That should be good until three months." I look towards my Bank mail and I grab it. I gulp at the thought of how much money my mom toke. I open the mail and Then I read the mail...I finally get to the mail and I notice my mom toke 3,560 Yen from my Saving account. I get angry and then I grab my phone and I call the bank. "Hello, Well come to XY Bank. How may I help you?" I hear the man on the other side of the phone say. "Hello, This is Y/n L/n. I would like to take money from my saving's account and transfer it to my Bank account please" I say and the Man gets right into it. "Y/n L/n right?" He asks and I confirm. "Alright the rest of the money has been transferred...Anything else I can help you with?" He questions. "Yes, Please Delete my saving account and if anyone asks to get money from my say that my account doesn't exists please" The man questions for a second but agrees and then we say goodbye to each other. Sorry mom but I won't let you ruin my life anymore than it is. I then get a call from my Job. I sight.

                                       Number Id: Manager

                                        Answer? or Decline?

I swipe right to answer and I prepare for my angry manager. "Y/n L/n" My manager starts. "Manager...I want to resign" I say and then the Manager sights. "Okay. I was calling to fire you but you beat me to the punch" I sight. "Please resign my form and shred it please" I hear the Manager moving and then he answers with a yes. "Oh by the way, If someone calls asking for me just say I resigned from work okay?" I inform my manager and he also questions but agrees and we bid farewell. I end the call and notice how much present my phone has. "25% huh?" I sight and then I go to my bedroom and plug my phone to charge but I remember my electricity was cut out since I didn't pay the bills. I turn my phone off and then I go to my closet and I grab a box for emergency. I drag it out since its a bit heavy for me since I am a little kid right now, I open the lid and then I sit down. I get out pictures of me and when I was little, I don't know how long I will be in this form, Until then I have to pack. I grab everything that is inside, I also grab the stash of money I have saved up in here. "I have atleast 2,990 Yen in here" I put it in my wallet and then I look at the bottom of the box and notice a hair pin....a Sakura hair pin. I grab it and smile. I remember this hair pin...Well...That's a story to remember for later. (;D)

I then grab my charger and I then look at my room one more time...I close the door and then I head back down to the my living room. I then grab the empty backpack and put the things inside. I carefully put the Hairpin on my Phone case and then put my phone in my pocket. I look towards the backyard and I sight. I go towards the glass sliding doors and I unlock it and head outside. At this very moment...I feel normal...I feel like I am still in my body. I close the door behind me and head towards the tree house, Though this is my house it used to be my parents house. I climb the tree house and Notice the door, I felt tears but I crawl inside and then I see my old Diary...I grab it and I open it to the first page. I smile when I see the picture of me and my mom and dad when I was little. I smile with tears and then I hold it to my chest. I start sniffing trying to let the tears out. "Why...Why did you leave me..." I say as I recall the memory.

"Sweetie! Mommy love you a lot. You know that right?" My mommy crouches to my height with a smile and tears. "I know mommy! You love me a lot and I do to! I will always love you mommy!" I Hug her and I smiled. "I do to Sweetie...But mommy has to go somewhere with Daddy okay? I want you to stay here okay?" I look at my mommy and she hands me cotton candy and tells me to sit on the bench. "Where are you going mommy?" I ask with my mother. "Don't move from this spot okay? Mommy and Daddy will go get more cotton candy for you" She smiles with tears. "You promise you will be back right?" I question her and she smiles. "I promise!" She smiles and starts walking away. I watch as my mother walks away with my dad and they hold hands. I never knew...They we not coming back...My mother...broke her promise.

I remove the tears from my eyes and then I crawl out of the tree house, I go into the living room and I lock the back door and I grab the backpack. I then remember my roller Skates, I rush to my garage and I look at my old roller skates. I smile and grab them, I then go back to the living room and i put the backpack on my shoulders and I go to the front door, I open it and I walk out. I look back one more time at my house. Memory's flashing back into my head, Happy and sad memory's. I smile, "Goodbye Mom and Dad" I close the door and then I put on my Roller skates. I then start heading back towards Rachael's house. Mom and Dad...I hope your prepared because...I will not backdown from a fight anymore...I will move forwards with my friends and I...I will fight for the one I like...Sorry Rachael...But I will fight back for Jimmy.

To be continued.


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