Chapter 5 The Joestar dynamics

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Jota sits in the tea room with his face in his hands. His mum already patched up his leg and he's changed into casual clothes as he throws Jotaro's uniform in the wash. A plain red shirt and black skinny jeans and his slippers.
"Urg." He grumbles as Avdol looks over.
"What's wrong?" He asks as he shuffles his cards. An unconscious Kakyoin laid still as we wait for Jotaro to come back into the room.
"It's nothing." Joseph and Jotaro enter the room and start to converse about what happened.
"Don't worry you two he isn't going to die because you went too far. It's because of this!" He lifts up Kakyoin's fringe and hidden in the red is a pulsating bug. Jota immediately cringes at the sight making Avdol laugh a bit at his facial expression.
"What is it Grandad?" Jota asks keeping a close eye on it.
"It's a mind controlling bug." As Joseph explains Avdol also spins his story on how he met Dio in Egypt. Jota felt sorry for Kakyoin, not being able to do what he wanted, not being free. So with twin telepathy Jota nods at Jotaro who also nods back. Jota holds Kakyoin's head still while Jotaro summons star platinum. With immense concentration the two blocked out the shouting adults. The bug quickly enters Jota's hand as Jotaro pulls it out, Kakyoin wakes up and stares into the aqua Marine eyes of the twins with his own widened eyes. "Why?" He asks. "Stay still if you move your head you will die." Jota states with a serious face. His glasses slowly fall down his nose from facing downwards. Jotaro yanks the rest of the bug out with an ORA and pulls it out of Jota's hand. Jotaro ties it into a knot and throws it at Jota, with calm pattened breathing Jota uses hamon to make the bug disintegrate.

"... OH MY GOD!" Joseph yells and tackles Jota into a loving embrace. He proudly smiles at his grandson who struggles to stay alive with the tight hug. "Help." Jota says as his lungs get crushed. "Tch." Jotaro pulls Jota out of Joseph's hands. "Jotaro put Jota back on the ground so I can give him my effection!" Joseph leaps and every time he gets a foot into the face. Avdol could only watch as he questions the family dynamics, swearing at his mother, Two twins one horribly rude the other is like a dark prince and not afraid to get violent or rude with their elders... Avdol sighs and continued to shuffle his cards. "Shouldn't we stop them?" Kakyoin says as Jotaro kicks his grandad away again. Jota is on Jotaro's back sitting there with his dark menacing smile asking to be put down.
"I think it's better to not question it." Avdol replies and the two get a surprise as Holly enters the room. The three quickly separate and sit down acting like nothing happened.
"Mum do we have any-"
"Yep! In the cabinet where it always is!" Jota quickly gets up and runs to the kitchen, out of character for him. Holly gives Jotaro tea and without even asking she made it to his liking. She places a cup of coffee in front of Joseph who smiles in return.
"She's the peace maker in the family." Kakyoin says as he and Avdol watch how the Joestar's went from murdering each other to I love you in the matter of miliseconds.

Jota returns with his favourite food coffee Jelly, Jotaro could only scoff as Jota excitedly peals the seal off and gets ready to eat it. "What's that?" Joseph asks eyeing the wobbling goodness. "Coffee Jelly. He eats one once a day. No matter what." Jotaro replies for Jota whose mouth is filled with Coffee Jelly. Joseph laughs at Jota's facial expression, it was like he was experiencing heaven. "It's so good. It's my favourite food, Macaroons coming second." Jota gets another spoonful but before he could eat it Joseph eats it. Jota sits there frozen while Joseph hums in enjoyment. "Wow this is pretty good." He didn't see the menacing aura being held back by Jotaro.

The night was spent talking about sleeping arrangements and best of all sleep.

-- To be continued

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