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Aria's POV
I took a deep breath. I was really about to do this huh.
"It started around 7th grade. Whenever we'd have sleepovers we'd always wake up cuddling. I wish I could tell you that it didn't mean anything, at least not to me, but at some level deep down I know it did. Then the summer between 8th and 9th is where is all changed. We were at the rooftop one night. And some guys we were friends with decided it would be a good idea to play spin the bottle. It got to my turn. I had just kissed Danial Corrum and it was my turn to spin the bottle. It landed on Leah. Both of us just kinda stared at each other then our friend Jonas chimed in with 'rules are rules'. Before I could even process what was happening I felt a pair of lips on mine. They tasted like strawberry kiwi. The kind of chapstick Leah used at the time. (I wonder if she still used it) And before I knew it she pulled away. We grew distant afterwards. Then the zoning changed so we were gonna be going to different high schools."
"Holy shit"
"Tell me about it. But I think the reason we have this whole rivalry thing is because there was no discussion on what that kiss meant. And for the fouls, tell me; if the only physical touch you could get with the person you liked would be fouls in a basketball game, would you do it?"
"This is all because you like her?"
"No. It's because of unresolved issues from our past." I spat in an annoyed tone.
"I didn't even know that you two had a past."
"Well now you do"
"Who else knows?"
"Knows the story? The people that were there that night and now you.
I took a deep breath.
Knows I'm gay? You're the first."
Skylar immediately wrapped me in a hug.
"Well I'm pretty lucky then aren't I?"
I started to cry.
"Fuck I'm told my self I wasn't going to cry."
"Aria, it's your first time coming out, your aloud to cry."
"No buts."
"Thank you."
"No problem. And frankly, you two would be pretty cute together."
"One major issue with that. She doesn't like me." I sighed
"And you know this how exactly?" Sky questioned
"Um hello? She pulled away from the kiss."
"She was also the one to initiate it. She could've protested it. But instead she kissed you."
I thought for a moment. She did have a point. "She was also the first one to pull away."
"Fair point. Whatever the case may be I'm glad you told me. Thank you for trusting me."
And with that I wrapped her into a hug

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