Chapter {2} New Neighbour

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(Y/N) Your name.

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair colour

It's the first day of spring, flowers of every shape and colour were growing from the earth. Clouds drift across the sky, it was a peaceful day in Moominvalley with nothing but the sound of the trees rustling through the leaves and the waves crashing on the ocean. The residents of Moominvalley were all waking up after a long hibernation and they all had one question on their mind, will Snufkin be coming home today?

Little did they know, Snufkin was only a short walk away from Moomin house. As the young mumrik was approaching the edge of the forest he begins to play his harmonica to announce his return to the valley. Every year he walks the same path to meet the Moomins but this year something out of the ordinary caught his attention.

-Snufkin's POV-

I am quite pleased to be back in Moominvalley, I wonder if the Moomins are awake yet. I promised Moomin troll I would be back on the first day of spring and I kept my promise.

I stopped walking as I noticed something.

I have walked passed this cottage many times before, but it always remained untouched. It was clearly abandoned however I can see that the gate was unlocked. I walked closer, I peer inside and see a young lady. She was roughly my age, with (H/L) (H/C) that swayed in the breeze, she was holding a suitcase and key. She must be the owner of the cottage if she has the key to unlock the gate. I thought about whether or not I should introduce myself but before I could think of what to say, she unlocked the front door and disappeared inside. I suppose she didn't notice me.

I felt a bit disappointed but maybe it was for the best. I continued to walk to Moomin house.

When I got to Moomin house I can see Moominmamma sweeping the front porch.

"Hello Moominmamma"

"Snufkin! it's so nice to see you, how was your winter" she said with a friendly grin. 

"It was having a good time but am pleased to be back in Moominvalley.  Is Moomintroll wake yet?" I asked

"Yes, he's awake but Little My, Snorkmaiden, and Sniff have taken him to the beach." She said leaning her broom against the wall.

"That's okay, I'll walk down there and say hello"

"I'm sure they will be thrilled to see you Snufkin"

"But just before I go Moominmamma, you know the abandoned cottage near the forest?"

"Yes, what about it?" She questioned

"I saw a girl at the cottage on my way here, I think she might be moving in" I figured Moominmamma would be excited to hear that someone new is living in Moominvalley.

"That's lovely, perhaps Moominpappa and I will go introduce ourselves. It is nice to hear that we have new neighbors this year" She sounds very pleased

"I'll leave you to it then and be on my way," I say as I'm about to turn away Moominmamma calls out to me.

"We will be having everyone over for dinner tonight, I'm sure everyone will be happy if you can come"

Honestly, I could never refuse Moominmamma's invite.

"I'll be there, see you then Moominmamma" I wave to her and start walking to the beach to meet up with the others. I agree with what Moominmamma said. It will be nice having a neighbor like her around and I wonder when I'll get the chance to properly introduce myself to her.


Once I step into the cottage I place down my suitcase and take in my surroundings. Everything in the interior of the cottage was still where we left it, except everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. There was stone mantlepiece above the fireplace in the living room, the walls were decored with intricate floral designs, and a crystal chandelier in the center. The sun pored through the windows and beautifully reflected off the chandelier onto the dark wood flooring.  Thankfully the white sheets that covered the furniture were protected from any bust.  

"Achoo!" I sneezed.

"Goodness all this dust is making my allergies flair up"

I start opening all the windows to allow the fresh air to flow through the cottage. I can even smell the flowers of the fields in the air. From the window, I can see a beautiful view of the forest and the lonely mountains in the distance. The first thing I need to do it try and get rid of all this dust. I try to remember if we have a feather duster or a broom in the house, but I can't remember where my parents would have stored it away. I looked in the kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, and bedrooms unit I found it in the linen closet upstairs. I pulled out a broom and take it with me into the living room.

As I start to sweep I hear voices coming from outside. I walk up to the window and see two white creatures walking up to the front of the house. One was wearing a red and white striped apron and the other wore a black top hat. Perhaps they live in the area. They both walk up the front door and politely knock. I dust off my clothes and tidy up my hair before I open the front door to greet them.

"Hello dear, sorry to drop by unexpectedly," said the white female creature. She had a very kind motherly voice.

"You don't have to apologise; how may I help you" I reply

"We are the Moomins, we live close by and wanted to introduce ourselves. This my wife Moominmamma and I'm Moominpappa" Said Moominpappa extending his paw to me. I return the handshake and introduce myself.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" I say with a smile and a subtle curtsy. I should probably try and get rid of this habit while I'm living in Moominvalley.

"You have lovely manners, my dear. We are very happy to have someone new move into Moominvalley" said Moominmamma as I shake hands with her as well.

"Thank you. I feel rude for not inviting you in for tea, but I just moved in today. Unfortunately, it's still in disarray and I haven't unpacked yet"

"No need to worry, we understand. Would it be so rude to ask if we can take a look inside?" Moominpappa politely asked.

"It's okay, I don't mind but I must warn you that it hasn't been cleaned for years," I said as I move out of the doorway to let the Moomins walk into the living room.

"It certainly needs a clean but it's still a very beautiful house" Moominmamma complimented

"You're too kind, Moominmamma," I said with a slight chuckle.

"Are you going to clean all of this by yourself?" she questioned

"Yes, but I haven't made much progress yet, I might have to sleep with spiders in my bed tonight," I said in a half-jokingly manner but I'm worried that it might end up happening if I don't finish cleaning before the sun goes down.

"If you want dear you can use our spare room at Moomin house and tomorrow we can help you clean if you would like"

I was very surprised that Moominmamma would bestow such generosity to help me when we are merely acquaintances.

"You don't have to do that Moominmamma I wouldn't want to be a burned on you"

"Don't be silly, we let people say with us all the time and we would be happy to have you stay with us." Said Moominmamma

I ponder over Moominmamma's offer. To being honest I still feel very apprehensive about spending the night alone for the first time. Maybe staying at the Moomins for one night will be good for me.

"Very well, only if you are very sure that I won't be a bother then I will accept your offer"

"Excellent, how about you collect your things and then we will walk you over to Moomin house" Moominpappa suggested

"Thankfully I haven't unpacked yet," I said picking up my suitcase that was still left in the front entrance. After I gathered my suitcase we leave the cottage for the night until we return tomorrow for it to be cleaned. The Moomins goodwill really warmed my heart. They showed me such kindness not because wanted to gain anything from me but because they truly wanted to help me. I feel more at ease to know when I tell them about my background that their benevolence is genuine.

Gentle Smile {Snufkin x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now