Chapter 678

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As long as he doesn't face Bai Qingqing, Vincent can do the work perfectly.

At dusk, leopard cubs are satisfied with their food, but not enough to support themselves. Then Vincent washed their feet and mouths, and held them back one by one.

When Vincent took care of the leopard cub, Bai Qingqing took the opportunity to take a bath. She was sorry to bother Vincent with everything. After washing, she poured the bath water out of the tree hole one by one.

When Vincent came up, Bai Qingqing was scooping out a glass of water to stand up.

With children, it's easy to get tired. She squatted for one or two times. Her waist is too sore to stand up, and she gasped with her hands on her knees.

Vincent hurried up to hold her and took the cup from her hand.

"What are you doing?" Vincent looked nervously at the white face of his eyes, put the cup into the hole of the tree, picked her up horizontally, and went to the nest.

Put the person on the bed steadily. Vincent saw that Bai Qingqing was OK. He was relieved and said, "are you thirsty? I'll go and scoop you up."

Bai Qingqing can't cry or laugh. Vincent saw her as a female ORC. The female here can drink water in the puddle left by the rain.

"I'm just pouring the bath water, and there's a bucket of clear water over there, which Parker packed in the morning." Bai Qingqing said.

Vincent said immediately, "I'll go down. You stay still."

In the heavy rain season, the darkness is very fast, the light of the tree hole is first dark, only the light bead stubbornly stands for the brightness of the tree hole.

At home, Vincent is an adult male. Bai Qingqing is not comfortable again.

"Baby, come to sleep." Cover your body with a quilt, and Bai Qingqing greets the cubs in a low voice.

"Ouch ~"

I haven't slept with my mother for a long time. The leopards are so excited that they jump onto the bed.

Bai Qingqing lets them sleep in parker's position, leaning to play with them. The position behind her suddenly sank, and Bai Qingqing knew that Vincent had come up and could not help breathing.

"That It's not light yet." Bai Qingqing said stiffly.

Vincent immediately got up and put away the lights. "So early to sleep?"

When the tree hole was completely dark, Bai Qingqing regretted it.

She just saw Vincent come to sleep and said a word to ease the atmosphere. What if the atmosphere is even worse?

Vincent lies down beside Bai Qingqing. There is a narrow slit only half a palm wide between them, but there is no place next to them.

Bai Qingqing only felt the warmth coming from behind, but she didn't touch anything, which made her have the illusion of hair behind her.

"Ouch ~" the third remembered the memory of suckling when he was young, and suddenly he bumped into Bai Qingqing's chest.

"Ah!" Bai Qingqing exclaimed, leaning back, and suddenly the whole body fell into a hot embrace.

Bai Qingqing and Vincent freeze at the same time.

The third one is still fighting. The second one and the first one think of it. The third one snatches it.

Without a dignified father, Vincent indulged them again. They were turned upside down.

Their bodies are not as light as they were when they were young. A casual step is enough for Bai Qingqing. Three leopards have twelve feet. Stepping on people is like Foshan shadowless feet.

Bai Qingqing has pain. She protects her stomach with one hand and blocks them in the quilt with the other hand. Fortunately, they are not so mischievous. They know not to touch their mother's stomach.

Vincent relaxed his body muscles, stopped an arm at Bai Qingqing's waist, and slowly held her.

"What are they doing?"

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