• Her background and parents

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The father of Maryam (AS) was Imran (alayhi salaam). Al-Imran are from the descendants of Sayyidinah Ibrahim (alayhi salaam) and Al-Imran are the family of Sayyidinah Isa (alayhi salaam). This is the family of Zakariyyah (alayhi salaam) and Yahyaa (alayhi salaam).

Imran’s (alayhi salaam) wife was a righteous woman whose name was Hannah bint Faqudh. They were unable to have children for many years. But Imran (alayhi salaam) passed away before their baby was born. She said, “O Allah I dedicate what is in my womb for you, for your service.” This child will serve in the masjid – Masjid al Aqsa. She was not thinking of this dunya at all. Hannah wanted her child to go to the service in the Masjid for its whole life.

When she said that her son is going to be the servant of Allah in the Masjid of Allah she said that is tahrir – freedom because if you are not a slave of Allah then you will be a slave of something else.

When Hannah finally gave birth, she gave birth to a girl and she said, “O Allah a boy is not like a girl,” meaning she wanted a boy so that he could remain in the Masjid. Allah Subhanhu wa ta ‘ala says that He knows best and the male is not like the female. whatever male she would have delivered would not be like the female that Allah has given her. The female that Allah Subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has given her is the best woman of the world. She doesn’t know this. But Allah knows who this female and is and who the woman this girl was to become. She is Maryam (alayhi salaam).

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) says every child who is born is poked by Shaytaan. The first thing they do is cry. There is an exception of two. The ones not poked by Shaytaan, Maryam and Isa (alayhi salaam). Shaytaan did not poke them because of the dua of Hannah, “I seek refuge from you O Allah for her and for her offspring from Shaytaan.”

The most definitive quality of this noble and great woman, Maryam (alayhi salaam), was her chastity. Allah Suhanahu wa ta ‘ala loved her and favoured her. She was chosen by Allah. She was a woman of good etiquette, good manners, morals and well spoken. She was a woman of dignity.

It was not practiced that a woman would be in the Masjid but Hannah wanted to fulfil her promise to Allah so Zakariyyah (alayhi salaam) took it upon himself. He was a carpenter who ate from his daily earnings. He built a room in the Masjid for Maryam to grow up and have her privacy and worship Allah and not compromise her modesty. She grew up and Maryam (alayhi salaam) loved to worship Allah. At the times when she could not be in the Masjid she would go out to the East and Remember Allah. She ate, breathed and drank the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah.

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