Chapter 2

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"Nadine you haven't ruined our friendship!" Kimberley said blushing placing one hand underneath Nadine's chin and tilted her head so that Nadine was looking up at her.

"What do yous mean Kim?" Nadine asked as Kimberley brushed away the dried up under her nose and lips.

"I mean this." Kimberley said sitting Nadine up moving closer to Nadine their lips inches away from each other, they were just about to kiss but the door flung open and the girls scrambled to their feet.

"Are you ok? I heard a cry." Justin said walking over to the girls.

"We're fine Justin, Nadine sorted everything out." Kimberley said smiling weakly.

"Are you sure?" Justin asked looking at the girls noticing Nadine's bloody nose and lip. "Nadine what happened?" he gasped hugging the Irish girls.

"Jen is what happened." Kimberley said full of anger.

"Oh." Justin said walking out.

"Where are yous going?" Nadine sniffled.

"To see Hillary." Justin said closing the door behind him.

"We need to be more careful I think." Kimberley giggled resting her arms on Nadine's shoulders looking into her puppy brown eyes.

"Yeah we do!" Nadine blushed hugging Kimberley tightly.

"Just the girls I was looking for." Hillary said ashamed as the girls walked out the toilets ."Come with me please." she added walking off to her office.

"I think we're in the shit." Nadine whispered into Kimberley's ear.

"Nah we aren't Jen is." Kimberley assured Nadine taking hold of one of her hands in her own.

"Sit down, sorry there's only one chair." Hillary said sitting at her desk.

"It's fine Nadine can sit on my lap." Kimberley,said smiling pulling Nadine onto her lap.

"You know why you're here don't you?" Hillary asked shaking her head.

"Yes we do." Nadine said looking at the floor.

"Justin told me everything he told me Jen attacked you, is this true?" Hillary asked.

"Yes it is, she went to go hit me but Nadine got in the way and then she save Nadine a blood nose and bloody lip." Kimberley said calmly.

"Ok, is this true Nadine?" Hillary asked turning to the young Irish girl.

"Yes it is, the reason you can't see any blood is because Kimberley cleared it up." Nadine said.

"It's fine, I can see some droplets of blood on Kimberley's shoulder and your hands are covered Nadine plus I can see dried up blood around your nose." Hillary said writing down her notes in her book.

"So are we any trouble?" Nadine asked.

"No, you may go now." Hillary said opening the door for the girls.

"Ok thank you." Kimberley sighed following Nadine out. "Nadz? Where are you?" Kimberley asked looking around.

"In here." Nadine said pulling Kimberley into an empty room and wrapped her arms around her neck. "So what did you mean earlier?" Nadine asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I meant this." Kimberley said moving her face closer to Nadine's, she wrapped her arms around her waist and tilted her head she colsed her eyes and moved her face closer to Nadine's. "On 3 ok? 1...." but she didn't get a chance to finish counting before Nadine had crashed her lips against Kimberley's, she pulled Kimberley closer to deepen the kiss and bit Kimberley's bottom lip softly to let her tounge into her mouth, thier tounges battled and Kimberley let out a small moan, to them both it felt like sparks of electricity was flying around the room.

"Wow!" Kimberley said as they pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too! Lets get back!" Nadine giggled taking Kimberley by the hand, she poked her head around the corner to make sure no one was coming. "All clear." she said walking out.

"Ooh! Film auditions! I'm gonna put my name down! Are you?" Kimberley asked jumping up and down.

"YES!" Nadine squealed writing her name on the sheet.


"See you next week guys!" Hillary said waving at everyone.

"Nadz fancy getting a bottle or two and crashing at mine?" Kimberley asked hugging Nadine from behind kissing down her neck softly.

"Sure babe." Nadine replied giggling at Kimberley's touch.

"What are you giggling at?" Justin asked as t

Nadine got her coat on.

"I don't know! I'm in a giggly mood!" Nadine giggled looking at the floor.

"Oh ok, are you busy tonight?" he asked shyly.

"Um yeah me and Kim are having a girly night in with a few of our old friends mabey." Nadine said looking at Kimberley.

"Ok that's fine." Justin said upset, ever since he had seen the way Kimberley protected people he was growing to like her.

Hi Kim, there's something I need to tell you Xox Justin

Hey Justin, what do you wanna tell me? Xoxo Kim

Well um I dunno how to tell you really! Xxxxx Justin

Just say it Justin Xoxo Kim

Kimberley you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! You're cute, quirky, attractive, beautiful and a million other things Xxx Justin

Kimberley looked up at Justin and smiled but she was also torn, she had to chose between Justin or Nadine.

Aw that's so cute! Xoxo Kim

So um Kimberley fancy um you know going out with me? Xxx Justin

Um wow I'm not sure is it ok if I have time to think? Xoxo Kim

Yeah sure :/ Xxx Justin

Thanks :) Xoxo Kim

"Who are you texting?" Nadine asked jumping on Kimberley's back.

"No one." Kimberley said spinning on the spot making Nadine squeal with laughter.

"Kimba! Stop!" She giggled clinging on to Kimberley kissing her on the cheek softly.

"Ok!" Kimberley said slowing down and coming to a halt in front of Justin who was frowning.

"Hey! Cutie turn that frown upside-down!" Nadine said hopping off Kimberley and hugged Justin.

"Ok." Justin said fake smiling at Nadine who kept hugging Justin. "Um Nadine is it ok if I,talk to Kim jn private for a min?" he asked.

"Sure!" Nadine said happily walking out the room.

"You could of said!" Justin said feeling hurt and angry.

"Saud what?" Kimberley asked.

"About you and Nadine! Do you,think I'm stupid Kim! I've known you for ten years now and I know you've liked me! But I wrote all my feelings down to you and then you and Nadine act like that!" Justin shouted.

"We're just good friends Justin! That's all! You have the wrong idea! And to think I cried over not having you! If I hadn't had feelings for you and ran off to the toilets Nadine would of never got hurt! Do you know what stay,away,from me!" Kimberley said tears streaming down her face.

"Oh Kimba come here!" Nadine said opening her arms.

"I hate him!" Kimberley said hugging Nadine.

"Lets get you home and tidy you up." Nadine said walking outside.

Chim/Kimstin/Cherola/Sardine/Kimbadine - Who will it be?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum