chapter 13

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The moment Ben pulled away we got inside the bus and sat next to each other. Can I hold his hand now? I would love to hold his hand.

-Ellie im so sorry I had do do that. 


does that mean he didn't kiss me because he wanted to? ofcourse not, why would he want to kiss someone like me? 

- you see... jayson said he wanted to bang you, but since you wanted me to tell the police about them I though you weren't going to be into that, and that guy wouldn't like no for a answer, so in order to protect you I told him you were my girlfriend.

well that's nice. I mean, im pissed, but he was trying to help. I cant believe I let myself believe I had a chance with him! and I let him kiss me just like that! I should've pushed him away! its just, once his lips were on mine nothing else mattered.

why would he do this to me? couldn't he at least have given me a small warning first? I'm so done with this guy right now!!

- yeah I know. I mean I didn't know exactly what happened, but I had a good idea, that's why I kissed you back. also, I already know exactly who Jayson is, I don't know how I hadn't figured it out yet.

- just promise me you wont talk to him.

- well I wont promise that, but don't worry, I wont get you killed.

Im going to talk to jayson, not now, and not if i can resist it, but I know that eventually one day im going to teach him a lesson and give him an kick in the ass.

- so were ok and your not gonna slap me?

- well, I would slap you, but the moment is gone.

- ok so, you'll pretend to be my girlfriend?

- I guess I don't have another option.

I cant believe I have a fake boyfriend. this really isn't something I would usually do, and it really wont help trying to get over Ben, I don't think I can even get over him.


Ben's pov

I cant stop reviving that kiss in my head, and its driving me crazy. Did I do a good job?  is it strange that I enjoyed it so much? Did ellie like it as much as I did?

is it even more weird that I'm thinking about it while taking a shower? 

i get out of the shower and change into my pijamas, a black pair of sweatpants and a grey t-shirt.

as I get out of the bathroom I knock  on Ellies door to tell her its her turn to shower.

I get my sketchpad and start working on my new project, i need to make money. Ellie thinks that that I'm giving them a big amount of money, but really, there just small bills. i really don't earn much selling my drawings online, so i need to do a lot of them, also, they like small bills, I guess its easier for them to spend or maybe they like feeling like there getting a lot of money.

While drawing I get an I idea. I run up the stairs and knock on Ellie's door.

- Ellie can I talk to you?

- yeah, im just putting on my pijamas

- ok, then ill wait for you in the living room.

I sit on the sofa and find myself wondering what kind of pijamas Ellie uses and how does she look with her hair wet?

-so what did you want to talk about?

Ellie finally comes down wearing an oversized sponge bob hoodie with black leggings and puffy socks and she has her wet hair in two braids, and she looks so adorable i just want to hug her all night long. 

- cute

- what?

aaaaaannndd i definitely shouldn't do that, neither should i even be thinking about it. gosh what's wrong with me today?!

- I mean, sponge bob is cute. ANYWAY, I asked you to come here so we can decide on a backstory for us being dating and stuff like that.

she sits next to me.

- i think we should try to say as much true things as possible because the truer it is the easier it will be to lie. like we could say we met on the bus, witch is true, and then add fake stuff to the story. 

I cant stop staring at her lips while she talks. Are we going to have to kiss again? I really want to kiss her right now.

- well, now that were going to be "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" we'll have to kiss again right?

- yeah, I guess.

- do you want to try I again, so we like... get used to it?

- sure. ok.

I cant believe this is happening again. 

were slowly moving closer to each other I can feel the butterfly's in my stomach, im so nervous this time. when I kissed her earlier I just kind of went for it, but this time is different, she's the only thing on my mind. She slowly puts her hands on my cheeks and I put mine on her hips. her eyes look beautiful, so soft and thoughtful, just like in the day we fell on the snow and just looked at each other. when our lips finally touch its like time stops.

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