Chapter 10 Confession

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(Song Theme: Adam Lambert-Sleepwalker)

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(Song Theme: Adam Lambert-Sleepwalker)

Victor's POV.

As I'm sitting on the armchair by the fireplace and reading books until I hear a knock from the balcony door, then I turned around to see who it is. "Charlotte?" I spoke softly, getting up from the armchair and headed towards the balcony door. Then I opened the door letting her in and closed the door. "Charlotte, I'm so happy to see you, safe and sound." I said with relief. "Where have you been?" I asked in a worried tone. "It's a long story." Charlotte replied. "Come by to the fire and tell me everything." I insisted kindly as I gather her to the fireplace, so she can be warm. "You're so cold as death. What happened to you?" I asked surprised after we sit down on the armchairs. "Victor, I confess. This morning I was terrified of marriage, and I still am. I'm sorry about what happened at the rehearsal today from my clumsiness and being nervous." She confessed in a sad tone.

"I understand Charlotte, I'm not mad at you from the rehearsal

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"I understand Charlotte, I'm not mad at you from the rehearsal. It does happen to newly-weds for being nervous." I said. "Let me finish, that's why I tried to practice our wedding vows without screwing up like last time. I finally got it right until something came out of hand." She still explained, got me curious. "What do you mean out of hand?" I asked with curious and confused face. "It means I can't marry you since I'm married to someone else from the wedding vows practice." She responds. "Married to whom?" I still asked. "A Corpse Groom." She replied. I don't know if she's telling me the truth or just having cold feet before the wedding. "No, really, who is he?" I asked. "I'm not joking he's dead, and it was unexpected that he appeared out of nowhere after I finished the vows." She explained. "You can't be serious, there's no way that would happen." I chuckle. "I'm telling you the truth, Victor." She said in a frustrated tone. "Charlotte, if it's true, then why not just tell him it's misunderstanding, and you suppose to marry me." I pointed out. "I did tell him that, and he wouldn't take any for an answer." She replied made me more surprised. "That's why I'm here to do right for telling you and my parents to cancel derange marriage." She added. "Charlotte, but you can't be serious about this. We're meant to be married and for each other." I said, trying to change her mind, but she couldn't even look at me. "I'm sorry Victor, once I made a promise I can't break it." She said softly. "Charlotte, you can't do this, I love you and I want to marry you since the moment we met and hearing your beautiful music you played on the piano. You're like an angel of music, drowning away all the miseries away with sorrows. Thinking I'm lucky to marry you, a beautiful angel of music." I confess my love to her, and she looked back to me. "Victor I..." She spoke, but I cut her off. "No Charlotte, I'm not taking no for an answer you're rightfully mine, and I'm not going to let you be taken by the dead corpse or my older brother away from me." I meant it, every word made her surprised. "Wait minute, didn't you just say older brother?" She asked. "Did I say that?" I'm pretending to ask, not letting her know. "Yes, you did say that! I thought you're the only child in the family of Everglades." She asked in curious tone. "I am, but there were only two sons of Everglades. I was only the second son, but there's an elder son getting all the attention but me since he's firstborn." I explained. "What happened to him?" She still asked. "He was murdered by someone, we only found him one of the items in the woods he kept from someone." I still explained, my hand reaching in my pocket to get an item I found in the woods from my brother's. Once I got it out, I place it on her hand and made her shocked like she recognizes it.

 Once I got it out, I place it on her hand and made her shocked like she recognizes it

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Emmanuel's POV.

I was waiting patiently for her to call me or finish talking to a breather boy. "This is the voice of your conscience. Listen to what I have to say. I have a bad feeling about this girl. You know she is no..." The maggot spoke, but I cut him off as I pulled him out of my ear and threw him on the rain puddle. "Go chew on someone else eats for a while, stupid maggot." I told him angrily as I'm leaning my back against the wall. "Charlotte is talking to a breather boy to break off the wedding and the where about of her parents, just like she said." I defend her. "If I hadn't sat in it, I would say that you had lost your mind!" He said insulted petty, trying to ignore him and listen to what my lovely wife said.
"I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason for taking so long. Besides, the breather boy must be heartbroken from her turning the range marriage down." I replied defending smirking from thinking of her rejection to him. "I'm sure she does." He said in annoyed tone, rolled his eyes. "Why don't you go ask her?" He retorted sarcastically, making me think. "(Sigh) Alright fine, I'll go, but I'm only checking on her, that's it." I pointed out. "Of course, I mean after all she's not far from the other room." The maggot snigger and I rolled my eyes before heading to the balcony door.

Victor's POV.

"What was your brother's name?" She is still curious. "Emmanuel" I replied, but she didn't speak or move. She ends up being shocked with her eyes were wide open. "Charlotte, what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone. "I gave that ring to my childhood friend, and he gave me a necklace as a promise we would be married when he returns, but I haven't seen him ever since that day." She said softly in a sad tone with her tears coming down from her eyes. Then I saw the necklace on her chest she mentioned and it's so familiar. "Didn't he say it belongs to his great-grandmother?" I asked in curious tone and she nodded. "Oh, my dear lord!" I spoke in a shock. I never knew who was the mystery girl is that my brother was talking about until. "Then that means Emmanuel is..." I was about to say it, but someone or something opened the balcony door. I got up and look to see who it is. "Charlotte, my love, I just want it to see if you're..." A Figuring spoke but stop when it saw me. "No, it can't be!" I whispered, in a shocked terror, recognize who it is. "Victor?" He spoke remembering me. "Emmanuel" I said in darker tone.

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