final chapter

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I sat on the black couch that matched the comfortable light red living room, as I watched the TV and the recent news.

Deku! The number one hero saves the day yet again with his husband the number three hero shoto! Working with the number four and sixth heroes Ingenium and Ugravity, working with her wife the number seven hero  froppy!

Creati and earphone Jack save a local mall in down town Tokyo this morning saving everyone in the facility with the help of cellophane and his current fiance Chargebolt! Alien Queen and invisible girl came out last week say that they have been dating for the past few years!

Hero Tsukuyomi and his partner tentacole take down FIVE robbers at the town bank! Barely being left with a scar! Tailman and his current partners Phantom Theif and his lover Shinso Hantosi who has yet to have a hero name are currently being hospitalized for their current mission. Luckily they arent in life threatening danger!

Shy animal hero anima and sugarman teamed up against giant monster defeating it in record time! It's been rumored that some of our more popular heroes have been spending their down time with family or volunteering at our world renown high school for up coming heroes UA highschool! Which was confirmed last week live at a viewing with old retired number one hero All Might!! Who has been working at UA since he retired almost ten years ago!

*click* I heard the shuffle of keys against the door, I turn to see my husband the one and only Ground Zero aka katsuki. I looked over and smiled at me which I smiled my signature toothy grin back. He walked over and have me a sweet kiss and turned his attention towards the TV.

Infamous second hero Ground Zero makes another remarkable save at the children's hospital this morning leaving with barely a scratch; saving everyone alive but in need of hospitalisation. Number Five Hero Red Riot has been on break due to some family issues but will be back in scene in a few weeks! I've heard some scoop of what could be happened but due to request will remain confidential until further notice. Next on the news-

It was cut off by tip taps on the hardwood floor coming our direction
"Hey dad" She walked in smiling with our pitbull inu walking behind. "Hey Kazmy how my favorite girl in the world?" He asked giving her a fistbump. "Good, How was work?" She smiled and looked over to me before walked over and siting down next to me and leaned against my arm. Kat and I have a daughter! Her name is Kazmy and we adopted her about a year ago shes fourteen and has light blond short hair with red almost orange eyes, her quirk is volcanic rock and she goes to UA! She has a slightly spunk personality but is very sweet, she came out as bisexual last year being intrested in Midoriya and Todoroki's kid Aki her quirk is being able to breathe fire and ice and to this being 'dekus' kid katsuki didnt take the best to but after some convincing hes warmed up to it. We also have a pitbull named Inu I've wanted one for soooooo long and a year before we adopted Kazmy we got Inu who is a sweet heart (I have a pit doby rottweiler mix and pitbulls get a bad wrap in my opinion)

After hours of talking we ordered pizza and all hungout.

It was night now and we had just told Kazmy and Inu goodnight because she basically stole him from us which us fine. Kat and I got in bed and I turn to him, "I'm so lucky to have you." I whisper to him and he turns to face me before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I say the same about you."

We bore smiled before dosing off to sleep

I hope you guys enjoyed this book I'm so proud of how it turned out! If you guys want more stories by my go read my Tododeku story called Jealousy! Thank you! And im sorry for not having completing this sooner! :)

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