Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a while but the smut is done. There's just fluff now lol.

Kirishimas POV

I woke up being healed by Baku- uh Katsuki. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up so I sat up and went to use the bathroom. But fell. Aw shit. I totally forgot that my ass hurts too much but of what happened last attempt in trying not to wake up Katsuki failed when I heard a small chucked from behind me. I looked over to see I'm looking at me with a smile.

"You told me to fuck you so hard you wouldn't walk." He said getting up. He walked over to me and picked me up bridal style and put me on the bed. I gave him pouting face. " I could totally do it myself. I'm a manly dude!" He just laughed in response. "You say that but you literally just fell on your ass" he wasn't wrong, I didn't want to fight him about something so silly. "Could you help me change?" I asked "you can barely even walk by yourself what makes you think I'm gonna have you leave to go anywhere today? Were staying here." He said giving me a concerned look. "But..ugh fine" I wasn't in the mood to debate. "Okay so we could just stay here and watch movies. If needed I could go out and get food or make something but you can't really walk."
I nodded.

Time skip to later

We were on the couch watching a movie.
"Bakuuuuuuuu" I wined.
"What dumbass?" Bakugou asked back
"I'm boreddddd..."
"That's not my fault"
I snuggled up next to Bakugou and pulled the blanket over our body's. I looked up at him and smiled. He cursed under his breath and blushed. This made me happy. To know that he's mine and I make him happy. He wrapped his arm around my waist. In just a few minutes he fell asleep. He looked so adorable and calm. It was unusual to see him like this but it was nice.

I ended up falling asleep with him. But then I heard that familiar noise of panic. I was awoken to shuffling under the blankets. Katsuki must have been having a bad dream again. "Hey, wake up" I said in a soft voice while shaking him awake. Before I knew it I got punched in the gut. I whined in pain and backed away from Katsuki.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Eijiro!" Katsuki practically screamed. "Ah it's fine, just.. you didn't mean to. I get it. Ow.." I gripped my stomach and looked up and the worried Bakugou. Tears were streaming down his face not just because the dream but because he also hit me. He turned away hiding his face in his hands. I knew he didn't mean to and I felt bad. "Hey Katsuki, look I'm fine" I smiled but he still didn't budge. "Come on, please! I'm okay! It wasn't your fault." I put my hand on his shoulder. He turned and nuzzled his head into my chest, gripping my back tightly. (Still crying) i comforted him and rubbed small circles in his back, Trying to calm him down.

After a while he calmed down and my gut kinda stopped hurting. "Hey you about it?" I questioned. "It's like.." He started. "They were gonna take away the only thing that makes me thought I was gonna lose you in my stupid nightmare. Then I had to fight to get you back. But they..t-they.." he paused for a few seconds. "Killed you in front of me." A tear fell down his face. I pulled him to look at him straight in the eyes.

"Your not gonna lose me, your never gonna lose me." I wiped the tears from his puffy eyes and placed a small peck on his cheek. "I love you Katsuki."

"I love you too Eijiro.."

Well shit. That was kinda sad. But sorry I haven't posted a new part in a while! I've been busy and forgot.
I also didn't feel inspired to write. Lol sorry!

Kiribaku •you're the light in my dark•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang