Chapter 4

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Kirishimas POV

I wake up the the sound of and alarm going off. I reach over and turn it off trying not to wake sleeping blasty in my arms. I look around and
remember what had happened last night. I blushed. I look down at him he cute and peaceful.

     But oh no someone ruined it and pretty much smashed open the door. It was none other than Mina, Sero, and Denki..those fools. This instantly woke up Bakugou

    "Oooooo~" Mina sang "get it Kirishima!!" Then the three of them kept pretty much singing it while laughing at the same time. This got Bakugo both mad and embarrassed. He went to get up and blow them into nothing till I stepped in and held him back Harding my arms and chest. Arms to keep him in place and chest so he could blast that and not their faces. "Guys leave us alone!" I yelled at them, I looked back at Bakugou and and his face was beet red. "I'll take care of them" I whispered to Bakugou and got up. I shoved them out of the room and started to tell them to leave us alone.

Bakugos POV

I wanted so badly to blast the smiles off their dumb fucking faces. But Kirishima stopped me. He always knew how. It was weird..too weird. But he didn't have to be so dam cute about it either. I got out of bed and changed into my uniform. As I was getting the stupid button up on I heard someone walk in. I looked over my shoulder and saw it was kirishima. His face was almost as red as his hair and he looked at me in awe. I hadn't buttoned it up yet so my chest and Abs were revealed to him. I decided to see what I can get out of him.

     "You like what you see?" I said giving I'm a smirk. "I uhhhh.." he fumbled with his words as he tried to say 'yes' finally he actually said a word. "Well yeah.." he looked at the ground with embarrassment. I walked up to him and got up in his face, his breath was warm. He went to lean in..but I walked past him and into the bathroom instead leaving him as we brushed shoulders. I closed the door. And Heard and grumble noise. "Wow Baku really!?" He yelled from the other side.

       I blushed a bit at the word 'baku' but didn't think much about it. "We have school dumb ass now get dressed!" I yelled back. Having that dominance on him felt..kinda good?

       I walked out of the bathroom after doing my business. And saw kirishima sat on the corner of my bed. He looked up at me and smiled. That dam smile was always my weakness dam it. I scoffed it off and began to walk off without him "wait!" He said catching up. " ya know you love me deep down!" He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked. "Yeah yeah whatever you think" I told him back.

      We got in the elevator and then alien, pikachu and tape despiser walked in with us. It was kinda small as we where kinda pushed against each other. They made small talk as I laid my head against kirishimas chest, hoping they didn't see- "ooooo Bakugou gone soft?" Stupid pikachu questioned. Tape despiser hit him lightly on the shoulder and told him "butt out remember what kirishima said?" His eyes widened and he nodded. What did shitty hair even tell them?? I questioned in my head I felt a hand on my lower back, it was kirishima. Then the elevator doors opened and I moved away from him

       I kinda missed the warmth of him but shrugged it off. As we walked I asked" so what did you tell them when you walked out of the room?" He took a minute then answered. "Well , I told them that if they don't leave you alone that I'll let you at them." "Really? It's not like I'd actually kill those dumb asses!" "Yeah I know but you'd hurt them, but I have a special why of stopping you so it wouldn't matter" he smiled his toothy smile. It made my blush that he 'Had a special way to stop me' but we just kept walking till we made it too the class room. I went to my seat. Put my feet on the desk sonic told me 'No' we had our fight whatever.

       I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was stupid Deku nerd. "E-excuse me.." Deku whispered. "A-are you and K-kirishima dating?" I was shocked he even had the guts to ask me that. "WHAT!? Why in hells name would you think that!?" I yelled at him. He squeaked then his even more stupid boyfriend half n' half walked up to us and said "it's kinda obvious, he's pretty much the only person alive who can touch you or Even talk to you without being yelled at or cursed at, after every other word." My face grew warmer at that. I mean yeah he's my fucking crush but I guess I did kinda go soft on him. "Uhh fine, no we're not dating..not yet at least.." I muttered the last word but they heard and deku giggled at that. I again was about to blast his face off when I heard Mr Aizawa walk in. "Okay class lets get started." He slurred getting it of his sleeping bag. At that class had started.

Kirishimas POV

I knew that they would make fun of us at least for a little while but I hope Bakugous okay with that. Maybe since tomorrow is Saturday I'll take him on a date! I'll have to ask the group about it later..

       The lunch bell rang and I took a deep breath as I walked to the cafeteria. I'll ask about it there..yeah..

The rest of that will be in the next chapter

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