Chapter 12: Finally!

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Misty has been running for what seems like a life time. Even though she wants too, she can't stop. She won't let herself. She mustn't let Ash hurt her again. She continues to run, even kicking off her favorite pair of high heels in order to get away. The only problem was that Ash was catching her.

"MISTY!" Misty could hear her name echo through the woods. As she was running, his voice kept getting louder and louder as if it were getting closer. Ash has almost caught her. She couldn't let this happen. She wouldn't.

"Come on Misty! You can lose him! You just have to keep running." She told herself. "He can't hurt you anymore!"

So she kept running. All the swimming she has done throughout her life has helped to increase her stamina incredibly. The only problem was that Ash seemed to have worked on his stamina as well, because he still hasn't let up. In fact he's catching up more rapidly than she had anticipated.

Misty looked over her shoulder and gasped. Ash was right behind her. Not even five minutes ago she could barely hear him.

'Come on Misty! You can lose him in the forest!' She thought to herself. Right as Ash was about to reach her, she veered right and took off into the woods. Ash lost his footing at the sudden change of direction and nearly fell to the ground. He managed to correct himself, however, and continued to follow her, only loosing about 10 feet of space between the two.

"MISTY STOP!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs.

"WHY SHOULD I!" Misty screamed back. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ASH!" Her voice was getting further away.

"NO! I WONT LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Ash yelled and had a sudden burst of speed. He caught up to her and could see her dashing through the tree line.


"NO I REFUSE! MISTY I..." Just as he was about to confess to her, he tripped on a tree root. He fell straight forward and hit the ground hard. He blacked out as soon as he hit the ground.

2 Hours Later:

Ash woke up to a throbbing headache. It didn't bother him though. He had more pressing matters. He got up and immediately ran in the direction he last saw Misty.

"MIST! WHERE ARE YOU!" Ash called. He got no answer. He continued in the direction he was headed, eager to find her and make things right.

Misty's POV:

"Finally I lost him." I told myself as I sat on a log in the middle of the forest. This gave me the time to let out all of my emotions and finally cry. I cried for about an hour and when I finally stopped, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about Ash.

'Why did he do this to me. I finally felt like something was going to happen between us and he just ruined it.' I wanted to cry again, but I didn't have any tears left. 'Was he leading me on, or did he never feel that way about me to begin with.'

I thought about this long and hard for about thirty minutes. I knew Ash would never hurt me intentionally and if he did then he would do everything in his power to make it right. Then I got to thinking about our chase through the forest.

"Why did he chase me for so long?" I asked myself. I hadn't thought about it at first, but if he didn't fell that way about me then why would he go through the trouble of chasing me for so long?

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