Chapter 9: the Bachelor Party

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Delia looked at Ash completely dazed. Out of all the things that could have been wrong this was the last thing she expected. She sat there for a while just thinking, but soon she started to smile.

"Ashy this is great!" She screeched. She grabbed him by the cheeks and started to shake his head about violently. "My little boy is in love!"

"MOOOOOM!" Ash exclaimed in embarrassment. "This isn't helping."

"Ohhhh I'm sorry Ashy. Why are you so upset about this? Isn't this a good thing?"

"No it's a great thing. The only problem is that it took me 13 years to realize it." He started to get mad again and clenched his fists, ready to punch another hole in the wall. His mother stopped him, however, by giving him a massage, instantly bringing him to peace.

"Calm down Ashy. The important thing is that you did figure it out am I right?"

"I guess."

"I thought so. I usually am when it comes to these things." She smirked at her son. "Why don't you tell her?"

"Please. If she has ever felt anything toward me at all, which I doubt highly..." Delia giggles to herself, realizing how wrong Ash was.

"What's so funny?" Ash asked, semi-furious about being interrupted.

"Nothing Ashy. Please continue." She replied after finishing her giggle session.

"Anyways. If she has ever felt that way about me then that opportunity would have already presented itself and gone a long time ago seeing as how it took my dense-self a decade to realize my feelings." Ash just looked at the ground as he said this. Delia didn't have to look at his eyes to see that her son was hurting. She couldn't help but cry at the sight of her son's broken heart.

"Mom please don't cry." Ash wiped the tears off his mother's face and hugged her.

"Alright I'm sorry, but you have to promise me something."

"Anything Mom."

"You have to tell Misty how you feel." Ash instantly pulled away from the hug when she said this.


"First of all, inside voice." Delia slapped him across the back of the head playfully. "And second of all, it would do a lot of good."

"How?" Ash asked.

"Well for starters you would finally figure out how she really feels about you, because no matter how much you try to convince yourself you will never truly know unless you ask."

"What if she says no and that ruins our friendship. I just don't think I would be capable of moving on from losing her."

"Well who said you would. Life is all about gambling and taking risks. If you never take risks then you will never gain anything in return." Delia explained. "Plus why would you want to be just friends with her when you could be so much more."

Ash looked at his mom with a better understanding of what he must do, but he still wasn't sure.

"Look I can't promise you I'll ask her..." Ash could see her face tense up when he started his sentence. "BUT... I will think about."

Delia starred at him for a little while before a smile appeared on her face once again.

"I can work with that." She responded. "Well I better leave you to it. I love you so much Ashy." Delia gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too mom." Ash gave her a hug.

She started to make her way out the room until she stopped right in the doorway. A little smirk formed on her face.

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