chapter 4

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Hye jing POV
" Thank God you found me " i said to chun hee as we stopped running "yeah i'm glad i did cuz The general will kill me if he saw you without me but inside of a showeroom!with the princes! And you soaking wet! " chun hee said and start to lecture me i only nod my head "sorryyy~ but we should go home now tell appa to just introduce me next time..." i said then ride the horse back "pri-princess are you going back first? " she ask me and i hold my head and smiled faintly "ye-yeah my head hurts i should have a rest first you can go home too after you tell appa " i said and didn't wait for anymore response and leave the palace and go back.                                             
Arrghh - my head hurts... I must have drink a lot of water from the pool but wait how did i survive?  I mean you need to do  cpr- THAT'S RIGHT! Someone needs to mouth to mouth the person who'se drowning so who did it?  Was it one of the princes?  My gahh!!! hye rin! Remember.. Remember what happened!! I close my eyes and tries to remember but i end up sleeping...
" her pulse is beating! " a blurred face prince said then take a deep breathe and think twice at what he will do but shake his head off and start to give me cpr  3 times then another prince stop him then went infront of me rub my face slowly "hye jing.." !!!
I woke up and sat down and hold my chest who was that prince? And why was i sweating? And why will he give me a cpr??  I shook my head then got up and change my clothes then leave my room i look around and saw no people walking outside so i went downtown in the market to take a fresh air.

Wow this place have so many good stuff!!  I smiled and start to look around and greet people. "woww it's so crowded in here" i have been looking around for a moment and enjoyed my walk i just let my feet to lead the way not knowing that i ended up entering the 8th prince household... Woah i saw maids carrying stuffs and some people training... the people in here really works hard...i wandered around and saw a door that looks familiar...but where does this lead to?  I opened the door and saw a table and plenty of books like it's a library " so you're here-" the 8th prince stop talking when he saw me like he was expecting it was someone else but smiled at me" uhmm...was someone supposed to come here?  I can call that person" i said but he just stares at me then start to walk towards the book shelf " i heard you don't remember anything" he said i laugh nervously " k-kinda?" i said more like i asked cuz i'm not sure what the heck is this girl relation to prince wook!  " don't recognize me? " 8th prince said then turn around to face me i bow my head then look at him " i h-heard you're the 8th prince.. " i said then his smile change into a serious one "o-ohh.. So how do you feel? " he said then start to walk away again i followed him "i'm feeling great.. Thanks for asking your highness.." i said then bow at him again and stop following him " you don't need to call me your highness Becuz i'm not the king.. Just call me prince wook " he said while looking at some books "Oh right uhm.. I just wanna ask you..your high- i mean prince wook.. What connection do i have with you? " i said and waited for his response.. It was silent for a while. My eyes widen when i suddenly felt his body behind me and his hand on the back of my shoulder "i'm so sorry.. I broke my promise.. But i'll make it up to you.. Princess" i felt his hot breathe at the back of my neck as my face went red as a tomato "ahh.. Wh-what promise prince w-wook? " i ask still staying in the position we're now. He was about to answer me when hae soo entered the library " Uh prince wook?... " i hear her voice and i quickly broke from his hug "i-i must get going prince wook sorry for the gatecrash! " i said as i quickly run out the library room.

Gatecrash?  What does that mean?  Hye jing.... i hope you remember now...i hold my chest then look at hae soo "you must have forgot to greet people because of your injury"

Changing The Fate// scarlet heart fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant