Safe and sound / Sano y salvo

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Everyone has a beginning. It wasn't a planned start, the circumstances took place from where they were. In a withering city, of what could have been a place of prosperity and advancement, it faded like a flower absent from the sun.

Insecurity, (caused by the mismanagement of the city's resources) and inaction (caused by ignoring the actions of the representatives, waiting for a spontaneous solution), are some examples of why they were in that critical situation. Adding more problems such as: misinformation, lack of jobs, illiteracy, among others; they created almost irreversible conflicts in the families. Richie's family was just one of many who went through similar problems. Where violence was the daily bread, humiliation was exercised as the only form of teaching and nightmares became the hellish reality.

Every time Richard closed his eyes, he was afraid to return to the inert place of affection. Although he wanted with all his might to stop remembering his past, deep in his unconscious the trauma did not want to dissapear. Then all hell broke loose.

The cold scene to the contact of the naked skin on a concrete floor: covering himself with old clothes, torn clothes and newspaper; around four gray walls, where the only exit was a frame that led to other rooms. It was not necessary to explore the whole dream, the boy already knew what it was about, so, he just decided to wait for the the demon that always tormented him and enjoyed it with a fearsome smile on his face. In a few seconds, the footsteps could already be heard, which passed with steps and then with stomps. The end was near.

Despite accepting his fate, this time, the nightmare was different. Even with the imminent danger, he could dimly appreciate someone trying to call to him. He seemed like he was shuddering at the monster's arrival, but, it wasn't his will acting at that moment. Someone wanted to get him out of there.

Only then, when the abruptness of the movements became more noticeable, a new path had opened.








The boy opens his eyelids. "Richie, you're finally awake" Montimer said, concerned for the little boy.

"Are you okay? Does something hurt?" The adult whispered, since it was an early morning, he didn't want to alarm Ronnie or Larry.

The owner of the house had noticed the annoyance. The moans woke the adult from his sleep, hearing the hurtful voice coming from the children's room. He gets out of his bed to know the origin; maybe he believed, the cause was caused by flu or a similar illness, but he did not want to risk the health of the children based on assumptions. It was then, when he opened the door, he saw how Richard was the one who could not sleep. He walks over, takes a seat on the side of the bed and touches his forehead, sighing happily knowing he didn't have a fever. However, something else was afflicting the little boy. It was not the time to guess the condition, so he decides to interrupt the little boy's sleep and once he succeeds, he questions him with a low voice.

The only response the boy gave was a hug towards the older one. It was just a bad dream. Montimer realizes the situation, without hesitation, welcomes the boy.

"Dad" mentions the youngest, taking the older one by surprise.

"Dad" he replies again with a broken voice, snuggling his head into the adult's chest with tears in his eyes.

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