CHAPTER 1: The Message from the Waters

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Running parallel with the riverbanks, Steven with his books and school works, he's rushing toward the classroom, Biology classroom; his favorite class.

“Here!” he heard a yell from a distance coming from a familiar voice, Digmus; a friend of him. Digmus even waves his hand for Steven to see him. He was sitting on a fountain, a working water wheel designed fountain. Digmus was looking at him with an inviting look, with his motioned head waiting for him to come-forth.

“Why rush?” asked Digmus when Steven arrived on the fountain: cathing his breath.
“It's Biology class, dimwit!” He replied “come on, let's go!” he added.

“I hate that class!” Digmus grunted, “let's not attend!”
Both of them widened their eyes, the moment they realized one thing. The next thimg they knew is the water wheel fountain just turned on, and their works are wet.

“Holy shit!” they both said in unison. “Let's leave and redo this shit!” Digmus added, he then tried to blow as if it helps and leave, heading to the printing press of then. Steven followed suit.

Steven tried to recover the papers by drying them, but it's hopeless. Only thirty minutes left and the papers should be passed. 

“Thankfully, I still have the file. I hate this groupwork!” Digmus complains. 
“This might dry,” he said as he uses his portable mini fan tying hard to dry the surface. “These are just droplets,   insane droplets!” he added, facing Digmus.

“Still, we have to redo” well, he has a point. But one thing's for sure: they're hopeless.

It's been minutes, and yes the whole paper print was distorted.  All the letters are illegible, and unreadable, the paper is a washed out ink, splattered colors. But something is strange he find in the middle of the page, the only legible letters, the dry part. “Go behind the waters!” he read. “Oh, this sentence is quite lucky.” he said.
“What's lucky?” Digmus asked as he took the paper and tried to find what he means. “This page is a complete chaos!” he commented. “I cant find any word, or a phrase.” he added.
“Are you blind?” he immediately pointed his fingers to the middle. “There!” he said.
“There's nothing Steven!” he blinked his eyes looking at the page, where is it?

Is his brain just creating false images? “What? Its here” he said not believing what he's seeing. “Never mind, just a word.”
“Let's leave, I'm done printing.” Digmus invited and he followed suit.

After a long ride, Steven Lockett arrived home, with all his books, bag, and his school works. It was dark and silent the moment he inserted the key in the slot.

His parents are still on their work, working in offices. He motioned his hands seeking for the light switches and he all the lights on. Slowly, he approached the couch nearby and took a sit.

Steven opened his bag, took out his book, and started to turn pages. Biology has been his current obsession in learning, everything he reads and learn is biology, since he dreams to be a doctor. The coffee table nearby serves as his footrest and his full attention was payed in the book he is reading.

“Wake Up!” a gentle feminine voice said. “Steven, Mom's home.” he opened his eyes and his Mom's face filled his vision. He concluded that he slept while reading his book. His eyes searched for the book, and it was just beside their fish tank with a water wheel water feature.

He kisses his mother hello, and asked. “Time for Dinner?” a nod was his mother's reply. “Dad's waiting in the dining hall.”

It was just a short distance from the living area to their dining hall, it didn't took a while to arrive. His father was seating on the chair when they arrived, waiting for them to come forth. “Come and sit down!” his father invited, he was seated on the edge, with his intimidating aura and a straight posture.

They sat aa they reached the chairs, only the water fountain with a water wheen design was audible. Silence has enveloped the dining hall until his father broke the deafening silence. “How was school been?” asking with his hands held together, Steven gulped before facing his father to answer. “School has been, quite hard and enjoyabe.” after that he reconsiders silence.

“I have witness that you are doing well, these days, Keep it up.” coming from his proud smiling father. He hopes that his family will be always unashamed about him, to make his family honourable in any aspects.

“Do you any plans for this coming vacation?” his always gentle mother asked. Does he have any? He's quite busy learning biology by the moment, does he even have time to have a glimpse of the outside world?

“I'll think about that” he answered. “Maybe we could go out of town?” his father suggested. “We can catch the waves and have a look at the fjords.” his father added.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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