Chapter 1

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🎀 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓎 🎀

High school finally came. Running around the house, I clean, cook, and get myself ready all at once. I prepare a plate and some cutlery for breakfast. 

The door shudders leaving me to keep my guard up. I was alone, dad, as usual, was working as a hero. I worry about him so much now. After giving his quirk to Izuku a few months ago, he's gotten much weaker. It opens wide. 

"Ha ha ha!!! I am here! To have breakfast with my Y/N before she sets off her hero academia!!" Screams dad in his muscle form. He smiles thoughtlessly closing the door behind him. I was relieve knowing that it wasn't some villain. 

"Since when were you home around 7AM in the morning?" I say teasingly. He places his hands on his hips. 

"Ha ha ha!!! Ha ha ha—gaaawwwhh!!"

I squint my eyes as he poofs back into his weak form, sputtering blood comes out of his mouth. I sighed disappointed. 

I quickly grab the nearby tablecloth on the kitchen counter and jog over to him with soft and sudden thumps on the ground. I wipe the corner of his mouth and help him up.

 "Come on now Y/N don't treat me like I'm an old man." He exclaims mortified. I finish with thrashing the cloths flat onto his face. He catches it as it freely falls. 

I sighed and placed my hands on my hips thwarted. "First of all, you aremy old man. Secondly, how many times have I told you to rest," I utter. 

Walking towards the kitchen, I took the chopsticks and stir the ramen noodles. 

"You're not getting any stronger All Might, you'll give me a heart attack someday." I explain. He takes off his shoes and paces towards the kitchen. 

"You tend to act like your mother when you're angry." He mentions sitting on top of the island's seat. I turn my head bushed rolling my tied eyes.

"Because I come from her, and you. And now I understand why she was super stressed knowing that the number one hero is her husband. For the past five years you've been worrying me. I start to worry about you more than myself dad." I explain reasonably.

That's right. When All Might fought All For One, my mother died pre-maturely due to stress, depression, and pressure. She—committed suicide. 

And empathetically in her place, gives me the understanding of why she's been through all of this. I place the tools down and make my way to him. I grabbed onto his hands and sighed. 

"Dad, if I lose you too, I don't think I'll be able to live on my own. I still need you." I exclaim worried. He placed a hand on my head. I flinched. 

"Y/N, I'm not leaving anytime sooner. I know that you need me. And I need you in my life too. As long as you're still with me, I will never leave you on your own." He claims. 

I smiled back. I crossed my arms doubtful of his words. "Promise me that you'll stay on the low today. I don't want to see you in your muscle form today, got that?" I order. He nods. 

"Of course. You won't see a single muscle in my body." He answers sheepishly rubbing his neck. 

"Good, don't want you wasting your strength. I know you're going to U.A. today, but you're not teaching us. So, don't use your muscle form!" I demand pointing towards his chest. 

Walking back to prepare the noodles, I pour them into a bowl steaming filling the air with its foody scent. I open a new pack of noodles and cook them. 

Great... Dad's making me late for my meet up with Katsuki.


"Dammit! You're late dumbass!!" Screams Bakugou fuming. 

As I paced faster, I caught up to him. I push him playfully in the chest. He's pupils disappear while his face tenses utterly furious with me. 

"I thought I told you to meet up here at 7:20!! What the hell took you so long?!"

"May I remind you, I have a father to take care of, he suddenly came home, so I had to make him breakfast." I answer apathetically. 

I roll my eyes purposely enraging the explosion hedgehog. I look down at his chest as his buttons were untied without a tie. I point towards his chest again. 

"Hedgehog! Do you know how many times I called you about wearing a tie!" I screamed pretentious poking his exposed upper body. He smacks my hand out of the way and fully turns his body away from me. 

"They choke the shit out of me! And don't go touching me like that!" He screams demanding. I swing over to the front of him and smiled. Grabbing him by the hand, I drag him running towards the station. 

And, this is us! After over ten years of an exploding friendship, we somehow still manage to get along.

"Enough talking, we have to get to school!!" I shout giggling statically. 

"Shut up!!" Screams Bakugou groaning. 

"You look like an moron without the tie and your attitude," 

 "Shut it!!" 

 "Admit it Katsuki!"

 "I said shut up!!"

 "Still look cute though." 


 "Are you blushing?" 

 "Just shut your big mouth already!!!"


My ocean blue eyes shimmer astonished by the beaming cherry blossom trees that surrounded the school building. I can't believe that I'm going to Japan's greatest school. 

I looked around the place. From outside. Bakugou shoves me by the shoulder as he continued to walk pass by me. 

"What happened to your slow ass? Let's get to class already!" He utters. 

I catch up to him as we both continued to walk to class. 

Reaching out classroom, the door was huge. It read1-A In huge font. Bakugou slides the door open walking into the classroom. 

There were already a few students inside. He walks to the far end of the classroom and settles into the third seat. I sit in front of him. 

Getting comfortable into the blue seats, I jumped startled. A floating uniform was in front of me. I stand slightly from my seat and studied it.

Welp, I-I guess this is my hero academia...



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