n i n e

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as the 7 guys (and one girl) reached mingi's house, the same sound came out from inside.

shouting, breaking of glass;
this time
probably slapping.

"this is probably the part where we break down the door..." jongho said.

"chill, jongho... we're not here to actually fight..." hongjoong spoke up.

"then what did seonghwa tell us?!"

"to keep the father from hurting anyone of us..!"

"...and i thought this was gonna be fun..."

hongjoong chuckled and got out his phone and dialled the police.

"wait what? why?" y/n whispered.

yeosang tapped her shoulder and said "so they can arrest him, duh..."

y/n nodded and looked at the house again.

it was a dull, black house with boarded up windows, which she guessed, was to keep everything a secret.

don't worry, mingi... everything will be alright, cause i'm here.

as hongjoong ended the call, he said "i'll be staying out here, to look out for the policemen..."

wooyoung laughed "you sound like a criminal!"

the others chuckled and walked up to the door.

but hongjoong stopped y/n.

"hey... y/n right?" he asked.

y/n nodded.

"i don't know if you got a weak heart or a strong one, but please don't cry when you see mingi..."

she tilted her head, "why?" she asked.

"because he becomes weaker every time he sees a loved one cry..."

y/n stared at him in shock.

"i- i'll note that down..."

and off she ran to the door.

seonghwa looked at y/n and asked; "you ready?"

she took a deep breath...

"yes, i am ready"

y/n knocked on the door and took a tiny step back as seonghwa held his hand out to guard her.

yunho also held her shoulders together in case she would fall, as the next step she took was the start of the descending stairs.

stifled talking were heard and loud foot steps ascended which y/n thought, was a staircase.

she looked up for a window, but she remembered that all of them were boarded up.

she smiled at the sky and wished for the best and looked back at the door.

the door creaked open and a tall man of yunho's height was there.

"what do you want?" he asked in a deep voice.

seonghwa smiled and said "to see mingi..."

the father thought for a while.

and so y/n took the opportunity to look inside the house at a glance.

the clock was broken,
the sofa's cotton was all over,
the tv's glass was shattered,
the table was about to fall,
and on top of that table,
were wine bottles.

the father looked back at seonghwa and said "no" while pushing him.

seonghwa stumbled a bit and fell one step before yeosang took his hand and held him up.

seonghwa immediately nodded to jongho.

jongho nodded back and pushed the father inside and kicked open the door fully.

y/n looked back at hongjoong who nodded at her.

she looked back at the boys, who were pinning the abusive father down, except for san.

"go, y/n!" san said to her.

he pointed towards a staircase. "go get that man you call 'yours'!"

y/n nodded and ran past the father, to the staircase.

a loud scream came from the father but yeosang thought fast and placed a cloth in his mouth.

she swore that she heard san say "i tried my best to be inspirational..."

y/n snickered and ran towards the only room in the second floor.

she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


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