"So what do you necessarily think?" He mocked her voice as she chuckled, "I wanna know."

"All I'm saying is," She matched his attitude. "You may not think you're an alcoholic yet because what...you don't drink a lot to yourself, but other people can definitely see it. I can, it's all in your eyes. You're obviously hurt about something and you think drinking will take the pain away. But like I told you before, you will still have to face reality. Drinking will only make it worse."

"You must be a alcoholic too, cause it takes one to know one."

"Not exactly."She shook her head, "I was actually a drug addict." She announced and she could see his face change, she nodded her head, "Yeah. I'm six years sober. But the thing is my mother was an alcoholic. She didn't think she was either, but she was. It definitely did change her but after she finally agreed on rehab and all the sessions she's went to I can say she's better now."

"And why you tellin me all this?" He inquires.

"Because I'm sure you're a nice guy and you wouldn't want to go down that kind of path. I mean you have kids and teenagers who look up to you. I'm just saying you might wanna stop before it gets too deep." She shrugs her shoulders with a closed smile, "But you're grown, you make mistakes and learn from them. Who am I to tell you what to do."

She gets ready to walk away just as he stops her. She looks at him waiting for him to speak.

"I can't argue with you on that. What would you suggest?" She raises an eyebrow, "To help me get over what I'm going through."

She smiles showing her pearly white teeth that made her dimples pop out, "You ever thought of Meditation or yoga? Maybe painting?"

"No, who the fuck do that?"

"I do." She laughs, "It's really calm and soothing. You should give it a try."

"Yeah?" She nodded."You should do it with me."

"I'm sure you'll find a good teacher."

"Maybe, I want you to be the teacher."

She chuckles, "Is that your way of flirting with me?"

"No, maybe it's my way of asking a friend to help me out."

"Oh, so you think we're friends?" He nods his head. "What do you need me to help you with?"

"Meditating and Painting."

"No yoga?" She asks sarcastically.

"I ain't doing that."

She chuckles, "I'll have to check my schedule and I'll get back to you whenever I'm free."

"Aight, Ima need your number In order for you to do that." He checks his pocket for his phone pulling it out.

"Cute." She smirks looking behind her. He watches as she grabs a napkin and a pen. She hands it to him and he looks at her with a frown.


"Just write your number." She watches with a hand on her hip as he writes his number down. While she watched him a thought ran across her mind. While she was distracted by their conversation she hadn't asked the question she would normally ask each nigga that tried to spit game to her.

"Are you in a relationship?" She questioned as he closes the pen looking up at her.

"I'll be divorced in a couple of weeks. I'm going through the process and everything now." He truthfully answered her question.

She chuckles, "That's what they all say."

"Good thing I'm Montana. Ain't no reason for me to lie to you..."

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