Full control

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AN: Sorry it took forever on this, I was busy with other stories and well, procrasination. Plus an animatic but whatever. But here it is so enjoy the show.

Darwin and Anais quickly got out of the shed, as a possessed Gumball blew it to shreds with his powers. 

Having heard the noise, Nicole and Richard came outside, shocked by the sight. "Kids what's going on?!" Nicole looked concerned, as she kept the two behind her for protection. 

"Gumball's being possessed by something in his head!" Darwin replied, as he narrowly avoided a blue fireball headed towards him. It left a circle of charred grass behind. "More like, some things." Anais added.

"Well what do we do?!" Nicole inquired, as the family kept dodging the fire aimed at them. 

"We don't know yet! All we know is that Zach's involved!" Darwin shouted, nearly screaming as the fire was barely missed by an inch.

The possessed Gumball laughed, floating above them. "And it'll stay that way too!"

Everyone panicked, as fireballs were thrown faster.

"Panicking's not going to help! We need to come up with a plan!" Anais said, as the dark blue light soared above her head.

"Maybe we should reason with whatever's in there, and they'll stop?"

The bunny nearly face palmed by Darwin's suggestion. "Do you really think it would stop just like that?" 

"Uh.. Maybe?.." Darwin shrugged slightly. "I mean, it's a plan right?"

"Fair point," Anais replied. "Let's just try it. If it fails, I'm not saying I told you so."

Cautiously, Darwin walked forward, catching possessed Gumball's attention. "Look um.. Whatever it is you are possessing my brother, how about we just talk this over, ok?"

"I can't believe you're this pathetic." The possessed Gumball loomed over the goldfish, with a rather annoyed look on his face. "You really think you can stop me? Well think again. You're weak compared to me."

Suddenly, Darwin was struck by a fireball, right smack in the face. He fell to the ground with a thud, as the others quickly came to his side. 

"Darwin!" Anais shook her brother back and forth, the fish slowly waking up. A burn mark was seen on his forehead, charred a coal black.

Meanwhile, a police car pulled up to the curb. Two officers, Doughnut Cop and a female coffee cup cop, stepped out of the vehicle. Previously, neighbors had reported hearing weird noises coming from the Watterson residence, most preferably sounds of some kind of fire. 

Back with the family, Darwin had completely woken up, getting back on his feet. 

"Hey, good news!" 

Everyone turned towards Richard, who looked concerned, but with a smile. 

"Uh.. What's the good news?" Anais questioned.

"Well, on one hand, I think Gumball's ok now. On the other, the police already took care of it!" He replied.

"Oh good." Darwin then looked horrified. "Wait the police?!"

The family turned to see now unpossessed Gumball laying on the ground, a tranquilizer dart seen sticking in his head. He blinked sleepily, glancing up at the others. "Guys what just happened?... What's going on?.."

"Um.. I think you were possessed again." Darwin answered, hesitant to say the sentence.

"Ok kid back up." The female cop said, gently pushing him away. "We've got important things to do at the moment."

"Officer wait, it's just a misunderstanding!" Darwin tried to get towards Gumball, but Doughnut Cop stopped him. 

"We heard reports of noise here from neighbors, and we're taking care of it." The female cop lifted up Gumball, who was now unconscious. "Obviously this kid's a danger to society right now."

"It's not his fault! There's a thing controlling him!" Anais said, standing next to Darwin. "And it's only going to control him longer if we don't stop it!" 

"Well we're stopping it now, so problem solved." Doughnut Cop answered.

Both officers carried Gumball to their police car, and drove off, leaving the rest of the family in the lawn watching.

"What do we do now?.." Darwin was understandably upset. He couldn't imagine his brother being all alone in jail, let alone stuck there forever.

"We have to get him back." Nicole responded sharply, while clenching her fists. "Before something else happens."

Suddenly as she just said that, an explosion could be seen a couple of blocks away, where the police car had been driving. 

"And.. More or less save the town." Anais added, narrowing her eyes.


~In the mind~

Gumball woke up, blinking a few times, as he sat up. Seeing the surroundings, he was in some kind of cell, in an unknown area. 

"What is this place?.." He got on his feet, walking around the cage to find some sort of exit. However, there was none he could find.

"Your mind."

The cat flinched, hearing a voice from the darkness, sounding like his voice. He soon scowled, recognizing who it was. "Zach."

"Hello there loser." Zach smirked, stepping out of the dark, and right up to the cage bars. "Enjoying your stay? It's mostly permanant."

"No you can't keep me locked up here forever! I won't let you!" Gumball shouted, trying to escape the prison he was in to avail. 

"Typical thing for you to say, isn't it?" Zach crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes. "It won't work just like that loser. You can't escape this time."

"Shut up! I'm not gonna be stuck here forever!"

"I'd think about that." The egotistical cat said. "We're already doing a pretty good job at ruining your life so far."

"We? Who's we? Who the heck are you with?" Gumball questioned angrily, yet in frusteration. All of this was pretty confusing and frightening for him, as he glared at Zach. He didn't particularly like guessing what was going on. 

"None of your concern loser, it doesn't matter anyway. Elmore's going to be destroyed, and you won't have anyone else to blame but yourself."

Zach's ears perked up, in which confused Gumball.

"ZACH! GET YOUR BEHIND IN HERE NOW!" A voice yelled, Gumball recognizing it as him when Jealousy possessed him. Zach sighed, turning to leave. "See you later loser." He left almost begrudgingly, as if he hated the thought of going to that destination. 

This confused Gumball, who stood alone now in his place. He shrugged it off, and began planning ways to escape.

He was getting out of here no matter what it took.

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