Confrontation that makes things worse..

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Gumball was running as fast as his legs could take him. The whole scene from earlier was enough to make him terrified, since things like that never happened before.

He didn't have much other places to run to, so he went straight for home. Sure, it wasn't exactly safe there, but at least it's somewhere to go in the meantime. 

Gumball ran inside, not catching his father's attention, as he went upstairs, and into the bedroom. He closed the door behind him, and sighed in relief. However, upon turning around, he nearly shrieked, seeing former alter-ego Zach sitting on his bed, swinging his feet back and forth.

"Z-Zach?.." Gumball stepped closer, wary of his movements. He narrowed his eyes, now a little annoyed by Zach's presence. 

"Yep, it's Zach alright." Zach said, getting up from the bed. "It's been a while."

"I thought we destroyed you!" Gumball was somewhat confused, and shocked, questioning why the other him was here. 

"Zach was  destroyed, but your mind somehow brought Zach back." Zach looked out the window, seeing people go by. "Not that you need to know this anyway."

"Why are you here Zach?" There was an edge to Gumball's voice, as he grew agitated. "Are you here to take over my life again or something? Because that's not going to happen again."

"Nah, not this time loser." Zach looked back at Gumball with a smirk. "Zach's only part of it."

"Part of what?"

"Part of your demise." Zach crossed his arms, still smirking. "That scene in the court wasn't for nothing you know."

"You caused that?!" Gumball was now angry, clenching his fists. "I hurt my brother and best friend because of you?!"

"Ok look, do you remember that tinfoil helmet?" Zach questioned, coming closer, in which Gumball stepped back. 

"Yeah, I destroyed it back at that dump years ago." 

"No, you actually didn't. It's back, and part of a bigger role, in which your scummy messed up brain won't figure out." Zach booped Gumball in the nose, in which the other blue cat slapped his hand away.

"Anyway," Zach continued, backing up to give his other self space. "Zach just wanted to tell you that you can't stop it."

"Yes I can!" Gumball shouted angrily. "I always stop stuff like this!"

"No Gumball. You will only hurt the ones you hold dearest, and you can't do a thing about it. You're useless." Zach began to disappear, the smirk finally leaving his face. "No spoilers for you though. Zach knows you hate those." 

"Tell me what's going on!" Gumball tried to grab him, but his hands phased through Zach. "You can't leave me without some answers!"

"Sorry, but you'll have to figure that out yourself loser." Zach left, leaving Gumball alone in the room.

Gumball thought to himself, furious, but worried. What exactly was Zach talking about? What's that tinfoil helmet got to do with it?

He soon flinched, hearing the front door open, sounds of movement downstairs. It sounded like Darwin.

"Gumball?  Are you in here?"

Gumball hesitated, deciding whether or not to flee. Then again, he didn't want to really see his brother at the moment. Not after what happened.

In a quick pace, the blue cat opened the window, and climbed out, before remembering there wasn't any ladder nearby. He sighed, jumping down and landing painfully on the ground face first. 

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