"We will." Draco nodded, putting his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him. "I'll write to you every week, I promise."

"So will I."

"I think I'd prefer gifts more."

Draco chuckled and rolled his eyes, but Theo simply smiled. He missed Davina's sense of humor and her caring blue eyes; he missed her laugh and her gentle touch. He didn't think she had any idea how much being there meant to him -- to them, the boys whose parents didn't care enough to do so themselves.

"Listen, boys... Something terrible is going to happen this year. I don't know what or when, but I have...I have this feeling. I need you both to promise me that you'll do your best to stay the hell away from whatever trouble begins to stir up, alright?"

Draco's eyes darkened as he read the anxiety carved into her youthful face. "And what about you? What are you going to do?"

The Hogwarts Express whistled, indicating that they had exactly one minute until the train began to leave the platform. Davina was thankful for the intervention. She motioned the boys onto the train, plastering a reassuring and bittersweet smile onto her face as they reluctantly boarded. 

"Have a good year, boy. Try not to miss me too much."

"You didn't answer my question!"

"Remember the gifts!" Her cloak swished behind her as she disappeared into the dense crowd, becoming just another blob of color.

Davina walked to the back of the platform by the barrier, turned, and watched with bitter sadness as the train rolled out of the station. Her gaze naturally fell upon the compartment Theo, Draco, Blaise, and Pansy had taken up. Through the open window, she watched as they began to start a conversation. When Blaise and Pansy shot up to peer out of the window, she knew that the boy had told them about her being on the platform. Like Theo and Draco, both of them had grown so much in three years. Davina sighed and turned her back to their hopeful faces as they searched the crowd of faces for her, finding it to hard to see how more of her loved ones had grown since she left the world. 

She passed through the barrier and onto the muggle platform once more. She was supposed to meet the Order to reconvene and learn of the posts they would take to protect Hogwarts and Potter, but she figured that she didn't need to be there anyway. She would be going back to 12 Grimmauld Place to stay with Sirius indefinitely -- both of them miserably in hiding when their freedom was long overdue. She didn't have anywhere to go now besides the Tonks residence. She was alone again.

Sirus, who was once again in his animagus form, joined in stride alongside her, and Davina swallowed a lump that was forming in her throat. As they rejoined the others, Nymphadora and Mad-Eye turned to them with questioning expressions.

"Where have you been?" inquired Mad-Eye.

"It doesn't matter," Davina replied curtly. The frown on her face and glossiness of her eyes didn't go unnoticed by her comrades, and they didn't push her on it. "Let's just go home."

Sirius barked in agreement. 


The Order held another meeting that night to discuss strategy and tactic where Harry Potter was concerned. Nymphadora parted ways with them at the station to see to it that Harry made it through the gates of school, but both of her parents were in attendance that evening. Davina sat beside Sirius at the far end of the table as usual, but she didn't engage in the conversations or make any sly comments. In fact, she remained completely silent and stared at the tabletop for most of the evening as Sirius and Andromeda watched her with concern. Mr. William Peverell was the only one of his family in attendance this time, and he also noticed the girl's forlorn demeanor. 

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