twenty-seven - bad return

Start from the beginning

Ally knows she's going to regret this, but she didn't feel like getting hit tonight. Especially because they were almost in the middle of nowhere with no witnesses.

"Okay, calm down, I'm sorry," she rushes, reaching him and pulling him into her. "We can... we can do it. We can have sex."

Ally physically trembles as he's touching her. She's not able to say anything or do anything, or stare and cry.

"Ally, calm down. I just wanna talk. I'm not here to do anything else."

Her eyes meet his and she's suddenly unable to breathe.

She doesn't really believe in God, but as the front doors of the apartment building opens, she knows someone is looking out for her.

"Yo, Ally, you left your keys in my car. I'm just gonna slide them under your doo..." his voicemail is soon forgotten about as he sees the scene in front of him. Austin's eyes widen and he takes the phone off his ear as he rushes over to her.

"Move the hell away from her!" He demands harshly, pushing the boy away as he goes to Ally. He sees she's completely devastated and dazed, so he looks at the guy with fury. "Dude, who the fuck are you?!"

He sees Kira in the corner of his eye, seeing her look guilty at the sight. "What the hell is going on?!"

"Lets start with who the hell are you and why is this your business?" Jasper asks, standing his ground.

"I'm her boyfriend. And you?"

Jasper irks an eyebrow and scoffs, getting even closer to him. "You're her boyfriend now?" He asks, looking over him. "Poor excuse."

Austin puts the pieces together real quick. His glare gets even darker as he speaks, "Jasper."

"One and only."

He's not sure how it happens, but his vision goes red and he's not able to stop himself from throwing the first punch to his face.


"Mom is gonna kill you when you get home," Ross says, hands in his pockets as he waited for his brother outside the police station. "First, you you were supposed to help her spring clean, only to find out you were arrested."

Austin sighs, shaking his head as he went down the stairs, not waiting for his brother to follow. "Drop me off at Ally's place. I need to speak to her."

Ross chuckles, climbing down the stairs. "Dude, mom is furious. I'm taking you straight home."

Austin shakes his head, turning to look at a Ross with pleading eyes. "Ross, seriously. I need to see Ally; I need to see if she's alright. Tell mom I got released early or something; I don't care, but I need to see Ally."

Ross hears the seriousness in her tone and sighs. "Ally's already at our house. She was scared to go home."

Austin frowns at this, though he's a little relieved that she's feels safe at his house.

"Okay, let's go."


Austin enters his home and before his mother could even start her lecture, he starts with, "I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again. I'll clean out the addic myself tomorrow," he promises, hoping she'll drop it. "I just wanna check on Ally."

His mother crosses her arms and leans on her hip. Sighing, she gestures him in the direction of his room. "Only because I know something bad happened to Ally, but we'll discuss this tomorrow."

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