There's Always A Loophole

Start from the beginning

"Unless it has the school phone in it, it doesn't matter."

"Sorry I don't feel like laughing while my world's falling apart." Remarks Josie towards Lizzie.

"Your world? What about my world? I'm the one who's eventually going to be absorbed by my own triplet." Replies Lizzie.

"There couldn't be a worse time for this argument." Mutters Parker as she helps hope find the phone.

"If you lose the Merge."

"Which I'm obviously going to. I'm the weak, broken one."

"And like clockwork... victim."

"Enough, now is not the time." Scolds Parker towards her two sisters.

"Hey, guys. Found it." Hope calls to the triplets holding up the phone as evidence as she begins to quickly dial a number.

"Whoever this is gets extra credit." Alaric admits as he answers.

"It's Hope. Triad's here."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, but our powers are gone."

"What do they want?"

"They said that the third artifact is in the school somewhere."

"You're kidding."

"The Chalice of Arithmetic or something? I don't know. Any idea?"

Alaric begins to ask questions to someone on the other end of the line, when he doesn't have any answers he speaks into the phone answering Hope.

"Uh, listen, I, uh... I've got to find my way into the school. But just promise me you're not gonna do anything crazy."

"We're not the only ones in danger. Landon is, too. I can't just stand here and do nothing."

"Hope, for once in your life, will you please just listen to me? If Triad wants the chalice, help them get the chalice. You don't have your powers. You are vulnerable, and if you try to resist, someone could get hurt. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah." Mutters Hope as she hangs up and puts the phone in her pocket.

"So, what do we do now?" Questions Lizzie.

"Now... we figure out a way to get our powers back, and we kick some paramilitary ass."

"Wait, Dad said not to do anything crazy." Inquires Josie.

"Me defying your dad isn't crazy. It's consistent."

As the girls are talking a new presence enters the room, causing the group of four to turn and find burr of triad industries stood in the doorway.

"Well, at least we know where you stand."

"You're damn right we do."

Parker makes her way from the corner of to stand next to Hope in front of Josie and Lizzie.

"You're not very scared of me, are you?"

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