"Are you here to kill me?" Asked Ophelia, he said nothing, so she directed her wand at the glass window and burst it, he looked shocked at the sheer violence of the simple action, "Answer me!"

"No. We are here to come and get you. We are picking you up for your next job you see." He said and Ophelia shook her head, "You don't really have a choice do you?"

"Why me?" Asked Ophelia and he let out a laugh,

"Oh preciosa, because of all the Marigolds you are our favourite." Said Arcturo and Ophelia chucked his wand outside the green house. "Lolita has taken a liking to you as well. Talks about you all the time. She was just here wasn't she? Clearly she didn't do her job or you would be hungover,"

She could see Sprout collecting her wand, "You killed my mother."

"Maybe so, but you are not a killer." Said Arcturo, "Now come with me, it will be a lot easier for everyone."

"Fetch." Was all she said before making a b-line for Sprout's fire place. "Where do you keep the floo powder?"

"I don't." Said Sprout sounding almost ashamed, "I'm all out."

"Fuck." Swore Ophelia as she watched Arcturo raise his recently collected wand at her, Sprout but had a strong defense.

"Go find Dumbledore." Said Sprout, "I'll be fine."

Ophelia nodded and ran back into the castle as she watched the students walk back to their common rooms, she blended in with the Hufflepuffs, keeping her head low until she was pulled from the crowd.

"There is no Rachel Smith." Said the German man, pressing his wand to Ophelia's neck. "I've got her!" He called tightening his grip on her neck,

"My name is Rachel Smith, I'm an a change student, you have the wrong girl." She said as he pulled her further back into the hallway,

Her grip was on her wand

"Is that so?"

"Yes." She sputtered, "I'm Rachel Smith I grew up in London but I moved to France when I was eight. Why are you doing this?"

Then meddlesome Gryffindors with hero complexes got involved, "Ophelia!" He called and she wanted to kill him, she felt the man sneer and stupefy McKenna, and she cringed.

"Lying is unbecoming, Marigold. Especially when you have the golden eyes. And there was a boy looking for you, gave me a full description right down to the freckles," He spat, as she was dragged off, slowly.

She hit him hard in the groin and his grip around her neck loosened enough for her to slip out and raise her wand, sending a body bind hex his way. This would only hold him for a little bit so Ophelia began to run.

"Bitch!" He called after her and she flipped him off running as fast as he feet would carry her.

She reached the heads dormitory, she rushed into the room and locked it behind her, her breathing heavy. She had been under the radar for so long. Doing so well, and now? Because of the Burlingtons cavorting with Grindelwald and now she would get roped in to do his dirty work?

She hurried up the stairs to her room and pulled the box out from under the bed, she removed her bag and a change of clothing and a Slytherin tie and Scarf. She shoved the scarf and tie into the small bag and then she pulled out a ring she had nicked over the summer. Worth a fair piece of cash.

She put it into the pocket of her robes and then the door to her common room was blasted open.

"This is where she lives?" Asked a man in a German accent.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now