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"I so don't have time for this." I said it aloud, but to myself. I had asked Carrie for the third time this month if we could hire a part time and two more per diem technicians. This was going to be the longest twelve hour shift. We recieved our truck today with our medication to stock and conveniently Dana had called out. She's the lead tech and the inventory is her responsibility. I only had two working today, so as usual I would have to do my job and help them do theirs. (SMH)

I stepped away from the computer for a moment into the back stock area where I couldn't be seen by the customers and pulled out my cellphone. After dialing Maurice number I waited impatiently for him to answer as I tried to keep an eye on the counter to make sure we weren't getting backed up. "Wassup beautiful." I always blushed when he said that, no matter how many times I heard it. It never gets old! "Hey, Love I was just calling to let you know we got our truck this morning and Dana called off so I'm on inventory." I paused and got quite so I could listen to his background. It seemed like he was in a store talking to a clerk or something. "Did you hear me Maurice?" Raising my eyebrows like hello!! I'm talking to you!! I didn't say that though I just cleared my throat. " I was just waiting on you to finish, it's gotta be a reason why you telling me this right now instead of later when I see you." One of the technicians was trying to get my attention so I put the church finger up and started going further into the aisles. " Well I was telling you because I won't be able to take an hour lunch, so we're gonna have to get a blondie another time." Honestly it was me that would really be affected, but I just always let him know what's going on ahead of time. I know he's never liked last minute shit or even surprises. "Rai you can't work a twelve hours on your feet without taking a decent break or eating." Feeling the need to get back to work I just decided to agree with him so I can get off the phone. "I'll take breaks and eat it'll just be quick breaks often Instead of one long break." That seems to please him because he says he loves me and can't wait to suck my pretty toes when I get home tonight. When I hang up the phone I'm trying not to think about what he just said because I don't wanna be smiling all hard cause that will give away that I was on the phone with him. On my way back to he front I grab a couple bottles of generic pills and bring them with me. "Rai, this prescription isn't registering into the system." I take a deep breath smile and put the bottles down. "Ok let me take a look at that for you." In my head I'm screaming how tired of this bullshit I am because this is Dana's job. Glancing over at the computer I see that I have quite a few notifications and voicemails that I need to see to, but I'm stuck doing this tedious basic crap because Dana has an attitude about the inventory. Like how do you fight for a job for three months, to the point where you get the person in that position fired and then not wanna carry out the responsibilities of the job.

My whole day was so hectic that I didn't even notice it was 6pm. When I looked up Maurice was standing right there staring intensely and licking them lips like I was his dinner. I hurried to finish the notes I was inputting, hit submit and promptly logged off. "Ladies I'm going on a break." I slid off the stool and grabbed my purse and a sweater. My baby is always so busy, so when he makes time to come have lunch with me at work I appreciate it.

Walking to the entrance of the store he rest his hand on the small of my back and begin to massage it lightly. All my frustrations fade away I rest my head on him as he pulls me closer. "What did you eat today?" I can feel his voice vibrate through me as we walk unhurried to his truck. " I had a few things to nibble on, but like I said I knew today would be hectic." Opening the passenger side door he helps me in and waits until I'm situated comfortably before closing the door. Once he got in he turns to me and runs his hand slowly gently along my cheek and kissed me. "You know you gotta do better. You can't keep working long hours like this without eating, it's not good for my baby girl." When he placed his hand on my stomach she immediately began kicking. I loved the fact that they already had a bond and she wasn't even born yet. " Wow she gets so active around you." It was cool to feel her move inside me. Just knowing the love me and Maurice shared created this being, I loved her so much already in an unexplainable way. "Yeah, cause that's Daddy's little girl. You just holding her for me." My attention was redirected as he leaned over in the back seat and handed me a bag of food . I don't think he was even able to grab his bag before I popped the top off the seafood gumbo and was shoveling a huge spoonful in my mouth. "Mmmmmm" was all I could manage to say. "There's mac and cheese and a little snack for later." Smiling I covered my mouth and thank him. He just smiled back and hand me a cup. After I swallowed the large quantity of food I took a slow sip from the straw. It was my favorite strawberry shake! This man, he knows me so well. If I had to bet I would guess that little snack was a blondie. I must've been been hungry because I ate like half the bowl of gumbo in 5 minutes flat finally moving on to taste the mac and cheese. "So, you been busy today huh?" I asked before I put a fork of the cheesy heaven in my drooling mouth. He was eating some kind of pasta." Why you ask me that?" He asked and took a sip of his drink. I started scooping the mac and cheese into the gumbo. "Just asking. I mean you left before me and when we spoke earlier you were out and about and you've obviously been a few places. You know these are my favorites and it takes about 15 minutes to get from each of these restaurants and they're actually still warm." I leaned towards him and opened my mouth so that I could taste some of his food too. Laughing he just shook his head and placed a forkful in my mouth. Relaxing against the seat I idly rubbed my belly. I was very satisfied. "Where's this line of questions going Rai?" He huffed and tilted his cup my way so that I could taste his drink as well. Swallowing the peach soda I made a face. Chicken alfredo was cool, but the peach soda threw everything off, so I grabbed my cup and tried to drown the flavor with my shake. "What do you mean? I was just asking!" Taking out my phone I looked at the time. 20 minutes had went by and i didn't wanna be gone more than half an hour. Maurice grabbed my bag and took out the empty container and put it in his bag. "You never just ask a question." He stated while handing me the bag back. "Baby, just....never mind." I shook my head and put my hand over my stomach. " was nothing.....a...question that's all." I sipped my shake and began looking out the window at the customers going in and out the drug store. I wondered how many of them were there for prescriptions and if any of them would need a consultation or for me to get in contact with the doctor or insurance company to push it through the system. "Hey.." his voice brought my attention back to him. He started to say something else, but I really really didn't want to begin an argument in front of my job. So I said "Ok, I've had her for 7 and a half months should be able to handle it from here right?" I said with a dry smile and chuckle. I just wondered if I was being extra because of my hormones. He seemed more distant, busy.

Ever since I moved in a few months ago, it seemed like I was able to spend time more time with him when we lived apart. He felt like I was nitpicking, but I couldn't help how I felt. "Rai baby, look at me." He turned my face to him. "You are who I'm in love with. You are the only woman for me!" I bit my bottom lip and let my head drop to watch the baby making my stomach look like an alien show. "Do you hear me?" He asked pulling my face up to meet his eyes again. When I didn't answer him he got out of the car, opened my door and pulled me to position himself in between my legs. Palming my stomach with one hand and gripping my neck with the other he pulled me in to a passionate kiss that seemed to last atleast 5 minutes. "You and my babygirl are all that matters to me! you understand?!" I let my head fall and whispered "Yeah". When he attempted to lift my head up again I pulled away a bit "I gotta go back in." I explained softly as I watched different emotions pass over his face and in his eyes. Feeling a bit exposed myself I was the first to break eye contact and look away. I gave him a quick peck on the lips right before I grabbed the side handle and began to slide out the truck with him guiding me. ( This is one of those moments I wish I weren't so vertically challenged). He hands me my purse and my sweater and I turn to walk back into the store. Suddenly Maurice palms my ass and I feel a sting. Did this nigga just smack my ass. "Ouuuch!" I wine as I rub at the pain and playfully hit his arm. "You play to much!" I fuss as a smirk forms on his face. "You like it! Say you don't" he challenges and licks his lips slowly. I couldn't hide the the koolaid smile that spread across my face and I definitely wasn't prepared to deal with me being wet all shit from the images that flew through my mind watching him lick them high juicy sexy ass thangs. (Mmm)

I was so thrown off that I almost ran right I to Malik. " Oh shit, my bad" I say as I stop myself from walking all over his feet. "You good. A bit preoccupied, I see!" Malik chuckles and nods his head towards Maurice. I don't even have to look, I already know he's watching our interaction. Maurice swears that Malik has a thing for me, but we've just been the best of friends for years and I don't get why he doesn't understand that. Truth be told if anything was going to happen between me and Malik I never would've connected with Maurice to begin with. I met Malik when I first began my classes as a pharmacy technician and seven years later were still the best of friends. Truthfully if Maurice wasn't so possessive at times we would all be cool. When I get back to the pharmacy my cellphone starts vibrating and I hurry and put my things down on my desk so I can get it out my purse. Lightly chuckling I answer " Yes love?" I say Smiling. " So your boys working long hours today with you huh?!" I just roll my eyes and sit back in my chair. Taking a deep breath I calmly remind Maurice that as district manager Malik normally works on days when I get inventory. "Dont huffed and puff at me Mrs. Chambers! I'm not the one working 12 hr days with my bestie." Oh lord! I was doing my best not to laugh outloud at this point. "Daddy I have told you a million times I do not have a friend that's closer me than you." I tried using my sweet voice to hide the frustration I felt towards him in this subject. It's funny to me how he always calls me Mrs. Chambers when he is making a point. "Yeah, ok. I'll see you home tonight. Don't get too comfortable with ole boy, I might feel like paying you another visit." With that he hung up and I was doubling over trying to hold back my laughter. Maurice know damn well I ain't going nowhere, he needs to stop it! I reach in my bag and open the third container. Yep, I knew it...a blondie. What can I say, that man...that man of mine.

As promised I finished the second chapter. I hope you all enjoy and feel free to leave comments and feedback. I'd love to hear what you think.

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