Chapter 1 - Prologue

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War, war never changes

Throughout history we can see many kinds of war civil, cold, religious, offensive, and defensive. Each with their own tactics attrition, chemical, and guerrilla warfare.

As humans we launch out selves at problems and declare 'war' on them. Our ingenuity has lead us to create hundreds of types of war, both the big and small, righteous, or unjust.

But for every war there are constants there are the factions, the weapons of war, the ammunition, there are the leaders with their reasons and their propaganda, the heroes, the money, the bystanders, the victims and finally their is the fodder of war, the people. The average Joe who's been conscripted, given a weapon and sent across the world to fight and die.

But if I can tell you anything it's that people do change with war as the catalyst. The trials and tribulations of warfare, the adversity of battle, and the chaotic rage of a bullet storm will shape, twist, and mold a person for better or for worse.

In the throws of war the happiest optimist can be hurtled into depression, a meek pessimist can step up and take command and even a coward can earn the title, Hero.

It is now the year 2279, two years after the battle for Hoover dam, and while the leaders of the two nations butt heads to the along the Colorado river expansion elsewhere must continue. With approval from both the Caesar and president Kimball both factions send expeditionary forces north.

Both NCR and legion forces now hold positions either side of the New falls trail and with tensions rising in the factions around the city of Boise soon the people of southern Idaho will be thrown into the jaws of war, prepared or not. In this battle sides will be chosen, old enemies become new friends and the game of chess the leaders play will come down to the pawns and the actions of a single man can change it all.

"Holy *cough* shit" a raspy voice said as Jay awoke from his drug-induced sleep.

Coughing a few more times to clear his voice out, Jay quizzically glanced around the room of an old gas station to ascertain how he ended up here until memories came flooding back, upon which he relaxed this wasn't the first forced nap he had taken and he figured it wouldn't e the last.

'That's right after I passed those NCR pansies and stubbed my toe on that fence; I got wasted and came here'

Jay then tensed again and scrambled over to his bag which was on the counter.

"Shit I didn't use it all did I?"

With mild concern in his voice he checked his bag and with a visible sigh of relief there he saw 4 completely unused canisters of jet. Sure he was an addict but even addicts had to be smart about it sometimes and not completely waste their supply.

Resting his elbows on the counter and slumping down he sighed again, the last thing he needed after waking up was more stress. Working up the energy to actually do something he stood up straight and cracked his back.

'God I'm only 30 something and I'm already too old for this shit'

After stretching he proceeded to methodically pick up his stuff and a few things that might be worth something and place it into his satchel. Once again after finishing he stretched and sighed again.

'Go on then world, let's see how your gonna fuck me over today'


As a bullet landed on the wall next to him jay draws his 9 mm and fires three shots in the general direction of the gunfire after which he takes cover by the door frame.

'I really did ask for that didn't I?'

Outside two bandits stand, guns pointed at the gas station, talking in a low voice

Fallout: Our never-ending warTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang