↳ xi.

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the sound of the front door to ethan’s home creaking open was new to me as ethan slowly pushed it open, as well as the dark furniture that decorated the living room, the dining room a little deeper in the house, and the stairs leading to another level. i've never been inside before, never have seen the way every color works perfectly together, and i already feel at home. it's was so serene and quiet that it made me wonder if we were alone. 

“ethan?” my voice lightly spoke as he shut and locked the dark wood door behind us, myself stepping further into the living room before turning to him. his head spun to look at me, his eyebrows raised a bit to show he was listening. “you-you said your parents aren’t home, right? there was another car in the driveway,” i asked cautiously. 

“oh- that’s my dad’s old car,” he replied. “but they're out on a business trip and won't be home till sunday night,” his voice filled a bit with uncertainty. i shook it off, not wanting to pry into private territory. 

“oh, alright,”  a biti smiled, resituating the blanket in the arms that came from ethan’s car as i glanced down at my shoes, my eyelids a bit heavy before i wiped the sleep away from them. 

“tired?” his lips curled into a smile to replicate mine, our eyes meeting once more before i nodded gently, a yawn escaping me as if it was on queue. “that's a new record - it's only nine,” a small laugh belonging to him filled the air around us easily, a bit of mine mixing with it before i yawned again, shaking my head as i did so. 

“i think so, too,” my eyes searched his features once the silence filled the air calmly, him doing the same before speaking a few moments later. 

“here,” he came closer to me, taking my jacket from my shoulders and the blanket from my arms, hanging up the jacket before wrapping the fuzzy blanket around my shoulders warmly, the heat radiating onto my body immediately. before i got the chance to thank him, i was off the ground and into his arms bridal style, myself letting out a quiet yelp as he literally swiped me up my feet with ease. my fit of giggles filled the air as i wrapped my arms around his neck, his sweet vanilla scent hitting my nose as i leaned closer to him to keep stable. i smiled to myself before i realized he placed his foot on a stair. 

“ethan- you can’t carry me up the stairs,” i moved my hand from my own on the other side of him to his chest, stopping him for merely a second before he continued to venture on, a bit of a blush spread across his cheeks, easier to see than it could’ve been if i wasn’t so close. my head turns to face him, our features almost too close, my cheeks almost too hot. 

“ooh, is someone scared?” ethan taunted easily with a bit of a laugh laced into his tone, not seeming to notice how my nose was inches away from the skin on his cheek. a bit after he spoke, his foot almost missed a step, causing him to jerk forward and his grip on me to loosen a bit. i breathed in a gasp as my fingers wrapped around the cloth of his gray sweatshirt for a few moments, my eyes tightly shut until he tossed me up small to reposition me in his arms. 

“i fucking told you! ohmygod- jesus christ i’m gonna die because of you. i blame you entirely if i die-” i went on, a tense breath escaping my lungs as my head hit the boy’s shoulder and my forehead met the crook of his neck. 

“whatever! you’re fine, you dumbass,” he laughed again lightly. i shook my head once i lifted it to turn towards the boy again, my dark eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide as my fist tightened around the fist-full of fabric in my hand. 

“tell that to my heart! fucking hell,” my head falling onto his shoulder once more, a quiet, repressed laugh leaving my lips before we sat in silence for a few seconds more, it being broken by the creaking sound of an opening door. i perked up small, my eyes being hit by many colors and items decorating the shelves and catching my attention immediately before any light filled the room, myself wanting to look at every little thing in this space. before i could examine the objects from afar any longer, ethan placed me on the bed, a bit of an ‘oof’ escaping my lips as my body hit the mattress. “this is your room, yeah?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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